Chapter 2: New Day, a New Gender | Training begins: High Heels

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The night went by so fast and the next morning my mom went to work at 7 AM, which would leave me at the mercy of Stephanie who had arrived after I went to sleep.  At around 8 AM, Mom calls me on my phone to give me my 1 hour wake up notice.  I payed her no mind and went back to sleep, which just like when you wake up extremely early on a weekend and decide to sleep in, was honestly the best hour of sleep I've ever had in my entire life.

At 8:57 AM, just before my 9 AM wake up time, Stephanie walks into my room and screams at me awake, which she always did to torment me whenever I visited my Dad's side of the family.  This was one of the qualities of her's that I've always found so abhorrent.

"Wake up sleepyhead!  It's time to start your exciting new journey into womanhood!" She squealed.  I groggily get up and flip her off for the rude wake up call.  I start to walk towards the door to which she moves out of the way for me, picking up one of the sheets of paper that mom gave me, to which I forgot to mention, she laminated for use in the bathroom.

"Hey you know you have to use the..." She starts to say before I cut her off.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.  The morning routine, I got it...asshole." I responded.  

She follows me into the shower as my Mom told her that she is to supervise me at all times.  I take off all of my clothes while she sits in the bathroom with me on her phone as I turn on the shower and get in.  I follow the guidelines for showering by using the Dove shampoo for women and body wash that was provided in the bathroom and I get out.  I put a dry myself off and put a towel around my waist and was about to exit the bathroom but...

"tsk tsk tsk.  That's not how a lady does when she gets out of the shower." Stephanie says with a condescending tone.  I look back with the most annoyed look on my face, as it was true, I have never been so irritated in my life as I was at that moment.  Stephanie throws me another towel.

"Towel wrapped around your hair, and one that covers your whole chest.  This would good practice for when you actually have long hair, and when you get those perky boobs." She smiles.  I threw the towel that she tossed at me back at her and began to floss my teeth.  Stephanie then decided to get up, grab another towel from the bathroom closet, wet it in the sink right next to the one I was using to floss my teeth, and came from behind and with the force I never thought possible from a short ass girl like her, she swatted my thigh with the damn thing.  I crumbled to the ground in great pain.

"AHHHHH!  What the fuck was that for?" I said, looking up at her rubbing the back of my thigh.

"Until you do what I say and wear your towel like a good girl, you will not be leaving this bathroom and I will swat your ass with this towel, and judging by the way you screamed, you aren't...MAN...enough to endure that kind of pain are you?" She smiled at me.  I stared there in stunnded silence

"Didn't think so, little lady. Now wear your towels, brush your teeth, and let's go get dressed for the day Maxine." She gives me a smirk and I wrap the towel around my head and my entire body and finish brushing my teeth.

We both exit the bathroom and back to my room.  She picks up another one of those dreaded hormone shots.  She directs me to sit down, undo the towels, and spread my legs.  She threatened me with the wet towel again if I disobeyed so I followed her orders and took another needle straight in the balls, the pain for some reason being mellowed out once the plunger was pushed.  The warm feeling came back however I wasn't sure what it was.  Stephanie then comes at me with the Estradiol and Anti-adrogen pills.  I reluctantly take them and Stephanie directs me to sit at my Mom's  vanity table in the Master Bedroom.  She then has me practice doing my makeup and I remember it feeling like torture as I wasn't confident with makeup in the slightest.  Stephanie was trying to be encouraging though so that at least takes away from the humiliating aspect of a man my age putting on makeup.  The hardest part of that whole experience was getting instruction from Stephanie regarding eye makeup, like mascara, eye shadow, and eye liner.  My hands are the shakiest motherfuckers on the planet, so doing a delicate operation like putting on eye makeup always carried the risk of me stabbing my eyes with cosmetics that could give me an eye infection.  Luckily with Stephanie's 'help', I managed to get all of my makeup done and I looked myself in the mirror with shame, I looked like a drag queen for fuck sake.  Stephanie then took out a jet black wig, It looked scarily realistic as it was exactly my hair color, the perfect simulation of long hair.  It was so long, probably down to my lower back at the minimum point if we are looking at it like a quadratic parabola.  She puts the cap on me and then places the wig on my head.  She brushes it and styles it into a feminine, straight style.  It felt so bizarre to have feel hair on my back, much less my shoulders even as I've never had long hair before that point.  Stephanie has me stand up and face her.

My Story of Forced Feminization, My Mother's Dreams Coming to Fruition.Where stories live. Discover now