Chapter 4: Sealing My Fate

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(Hello Everyone!  This is Chapter 4, I'm going to start taking the initiative to write these more often.  I want to finish this story to eventually branch off into other stories that will be more equally as interesting, maybe even a sequel to this story after everything is said and done.  I would like to get at least 9 or so chapters out of this story.  The thing is, I want to be more engaging with you guys on what you would like to see out of Maxine's journey.  If you guys have any ideas you would like to see.  Please, 100% message me and I will take it into consideration!  It would also be good for me to collect feedback from you guys.)

My Mom got home later that day, she came into my room and gave me 3 papers, the contents of which had medical terminology which I only was starting to understand from Nursing School.

"Sign these.  I already signed my portion, you have to sign yours."

"Why?  What for?" I asked back.

"Just sign them, I'm not asking." She sternly replied and left the room.

I read each paper.  One was for Facial Feminization Surgery, another was for Breast Augmentation, and the last one was the big mother, Gender Reassignment Surgery.  I brushed off the papers, no fucking way I was signing that shit.  Throughout dinner, My Mom was silent, not mentioning one thing about me signing those papers.  I would have thought my mom would have demanded me sign them or at least ask me, but nothing.

"Great!" I thought.  I don't have to sign jack shit and eventually all of this will end right?  hahaha hahaha, wrong.  On top of dinner being laced with the extra strength estrogen and anti-androgens, it was also laced with some sort of other drugs.  My mom still won't tell me what it is, even to this day.  It was some sort of brainwashing or hypnosis shit because as soon as I ate all my food, my mom stands up.

She beckons me, "Maxine, come upstairs with me."  I complied subconsciously like I had no control over my own body.  When we both get up the stairs, we head into my room she directs me to sit on my desk while she grabs those papers meant for me to sign.

"Maxine, sign these papers would you for me sweetie?"  Again, like the first time, I complied unwillingly.  I signed each paper.  Facial Feminization signed.  Breast Augmentation signed.  Gender Confirmation Surgery signed.  I handed her back the papers and she begins to walk out of the room.

"See?  That wasn't so hard.  I think you like being a girl Maxine."  She smiled and left.  The drugs wore off an hour later and I did my nightly routine and went to sleep.

The next morning, I did the mandated training while my Mom was at work.  No need to explain what happened there.  The only difference being, I was starting to enjoy it.  I was strangely starting to enjoy walking in heels, enjoy speaking in a feminine voice.  It was strange and because of these feelings of enjoyment, the training became a breeze and I got through it much quicker.  Stephanie even 'rewarded' me by having me wear a full set of lingerie and pose in the mirror while she sent photos to my parents.  I strangely felt good about it, like it was actually a reward.  God, what is happening to me?

When my parents got home, they wanted me to look my best and Stephanie was going to make sure I wasn't going to disappoint them for dinner.  She had me wear a very fancy dress, specifically a lacey baby blue mini dress.  It looked so tight however even with the female hormones tightening up my waist, Stephanie helped me into a corset.

  It looked so tight however even with the female hormones tightening up my waist, Stephanie helped me into a corset

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My Story of Forced Feminization, My Mother's Dreams Coming to Fruition.Where stories live. Discover now