In Search For The Boogeyman

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[A full patrol was done through the entire emergency building for Michael Myers. HE was not located. Only all the corpses who fell to HIS wrath were found. All of them]


I couldn't believe this mess!
It was packed with death in this place!

4 Nurses, 1 Security Guard, 1 Doctor and a Paramedic.

All fell to losing their lives in the hands of an inhumane demon. They didn't stand a chance. Nobody knows how to stop HIM!

Holstering my gun back, I regrouped with the other 3 and was told to no sign of HIM meaning that HE'S gone from here. The Evil is gone.

There was no doubt just how intelligent this Evil was. Kills 7 people and leaves. I had no choice but to say "Right. Call up the closest other hospital and the police. Ask for Sheriff Brackett and inform him that Michael is on the loose again!" They agree to follow my order as I wait for the Calvary to show up.

I wait for 20 mins as the Sheriff breaks to a stop in front of the way-in, steps out his car as I approach him and respect his help on coming to assist "Sheriff Brackett? Michael Myers is out on the loose in Haddonfield again! Because it's the night. I should've seen this coming but thank you for your help and finding the time to come here. Have you said anything to your units about why you were called here?" He says straight up....

Brackett: "No. The last thing I want is to be a false alarm because once my department knows, the whole town will" I understood his point but had proof as he follows me to the body counts we found. After sighting 2 he palms his forehead in distress and windup as he says....

Brackett: "Oh god. Jesus Christ! What the hell even is HE...? Unless you couldn't have shot HIM 6 times?!"

How could he even think that when standing only 10 feet from Michael when I fired!? He's not convinced from how many stumble backs HE did as the bullets hit HIM? So instead  replied "You think I'm lying, Sheriff? You seen me shoot HIM!" I asked him. He says back....

Brackett: "Well... Obviously you did, as HE was bleeding, but for 6 shots? I missed HIM! No man can take 6 slugs!"

How many times have I told him that what I watched and tried to help for years isn't human. If HE was.... Then those wounds I put into HIS chest would've made HIM history, and I raised my voice a bit with correcting his description "I'M TELLING YOU, THIS ISN'T A MAN!"

The Sheriff stares at me with a *I'm just about there with tolerating you* look on his face, turns away to towards the 3 guards that are waiting near the reception desk. He halts to them and I hear their discussion....

Brackett: "So? How many's dead?" He asks any one of them.

Alex: "7 we all found!" He answered without confusing anything.

Brackett: "Can't believe this!" Saying as he mounts his hands upon his side's and continues with more "2 Halloweens in a row. This son of a bitch has really put a death warrant on this lovely town. The minute they find out about this.... A riot's gonna rave on HIS home, I just know it and then I'll have to deal with that too because otherwise HE'LL kill more" I had stuff to say but waited until they completed as I ain't a rude man.

Howard: "Neither of us wanted HIM to get out but we also didn't want HIM staying any longer either, Sheriff. We could help you catch HIM?"
In honesty.... I didn't even think that was a good idea, but what choice did we have? I listened more.

Brackett: "I would prefer if you stayed out the way and allowed my department to handle this horrible psychopath, if you do not mind? This is my town anyway and honestly I know that... As much as I think that this....thing....should live, it has done too much damage" I liked that he didn't refer Michael to a HIM but an it, because I don't really think it's a man in any way whatsoever.

THE BLINDING OBSESSIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora