Growing Mind of the Boogeyman's Daughter 1/3

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Prologue: It's been over 4 years since Mikaela's father was locked away from her.
Within the passing days hitting the present day of October 30st 1985, House 45 on Lampkin Lane has become an actually family styled home. From the helps of her godmother and grandmother assisting Mikaela's mum (Joanna) in kitting it up for her bloodless far.


[Hallows Eve]
[At Home]

Mummy has always told me that my daddy was a person who liked the day it is tomorrow. And told me also daddy was a person who liked dressing up too. - All the time!
She tells me that he has a cute sense of humour?... whatever that is!?

I have never met my daddy but mummy said that he seen and held me when I was born...
I'm sat here at my mirror desk thing, with a brush and contending my hair while looking at myself in the reflection that is staring harder back at me.

My missing strength to my daddy was so....powerful! I miss him too much.

I wished to have him come and see me! - Just once! I was 4 a couple weeks ago and I haven't had any sight of daddy, showing up to a birthday of mine that mummy had put together for me the best she could do.

I was humming a lullaby song that is something to do with wolves near a bed!

I heard it the other day in the afternoon while out in the back garden with mummy.

She's been quite different lately.., in hers and daddy's room, I don't know why she's being different.

I'm always getting a freeze whift amongst this warmth... like, a ghost passing through me and mummy says that it could maybe be daddy's sister. My aunt.

Mummy said that this place is the house daddy and his family lived in, long ago.

Since then of finding the body strength to stand, walk and do what she can do, has been interestingly worth it but I had something to ask mummy!.. Slipping off the chair, I step steadily towards the left door that went into the upper hallway.


A stairgate had be installed at the top of the staircase, for the girl's free exploration privilege of the upper house that her mum got her friend's boyfriend to put up.
One was at the bottom of the stairs too.

Mikaela manages to slump carefully across to her mother's room. She goes straight in and sees her stood with her arms crossed over eachother, glaring out of her window.

By time, Mikaela had come to realise that when her mum is having a glass eye penetration gazing moment to do not disturb her! Her moments like this one was a keeping great times within her thoughts to remain strong about the man that's not home yet and still upheld behind walls for 4 years - yet, she knew that HE was on the verge to get out of there soon and be with them.

However long it takes... her love doesn't fall short or die within her chest for HIM!
It's a life that she chose to have.
It's a life that she chose to bring alive.
Though if she hadn't, who knows... she'd be probably in the graveyard dirts with her body skeletated in a coffin. She saved herself to be with a hellish incarcerated figurement that is driven by the depths of all things between so little of good and most in evil, but her monument of loving a serial killer is above any innocent life to live by.

Some place in the house, Judith was lurking, watching her niece and if only she got to live to see her be born and grow up.. perhaps taught her a thing or two..

Her room's been taken over as she scrambled in conditional manifesting horrids to the seeing a way - becoming the next her. With combing her hair, humming music and having the mirror table in the same spot she had it back then..

THE BLINDING OBSESSIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang