A Lot Of Time Together 2/2 (Hardcore Lemon)

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With such quickness, Michael rotates around and picks up the female soulmate into HIS arms.

From how great it was.... The lust was even greater for them both.

Joanna didn't think to what HE was doing while bridalling her about, with heading back to the stairs -- Michael went down the set without a subtle slowdown footing.
Not even stumbling.

At the bottom, HE turns towards to the left going through the living room, dining room and then gets to the kitchen. Judith was destined to follow where HE was going, where HE was taking her.

The carried girl wasn't in the condition of getting even a slightest clue where she was being taken. At first sight... She figured it to be out the back door, just until HE took a sharp left again into an unpleasant; at first looking shadowed doorway.

From the beneath jumps that she was feeling, HE was thudding down more steps, as her body was bouncing a bit within HIS grasp form.

And Judith had wished that she had access to the area HE was heading for, but she couldn't go. Smartly HE knew that and being HE had gone there was for the privacy that HIM and her could get to start a hot 'n' heavy session.

Underneath a portion of the house was hella dark that Joanna couldn't see a damn thing again, but HE could.

Not having a bit of conclusion to the reason for of just why HE took her there? But then, she gets the sway of her weight being grounded to standing again.

The second HE lumbers her feet down and knows she's on 'em, HE folds the mouth of HIS mask up to the nose tip, wrapping wrist around her rear neck and strong pulls her roughly against HIS chest and pairs their lips with eachothers.

She doesn't resist the shockage action.
Deciding she needed that....used her own hands to rest near the overalls zip and cups a cheek.
Sinking deep into the blitz of wanting love and the daddy occupation, she softly teeths HIS bottom lip. HE hadn't been anger triggered by the move... Or so she thought!!

From the bite pain, HE fists a full hold on her hair locks and yanks quite hard on them. She sheds a moans from her vocal cords to it, but the wrong option was that HE caused the skin of the lip to tear and blood ejected from the opening bitty wound.

She started off with a moan to the roughness then sent a sexy giggle through her teeth immediately afterwards to HIS manly kink way of going not as slow or nice as last time...

Joanna: "Aaahahahaa!! Sorry about that, monstrous Myers. I just evolved into a vampire for second there, didn't I? You gonna spank me for doing the wrong thing?" Michael was stunned with fascination to the things she just said out at HIM.

Joanna had went through a consistency of pain since even before ever having virginity loss from Michael.
There were hurts she could take where it hadn't ever caused a bother, and ones that not firstly effected her but liked too.

Her past life hobby; she took up self defense classes and was fond to know of the consequences throughout starting it, pain was a high conflict on those types of things and when she couldn't see was her reason that gave it up for a long while.

She seen the blood flushing its way from HIS lip. Using her tongue tip, she slid across both lips slowly and getting Michael's DNA. The taste of horrorsome was bland. HE never ate any sugary stuff.
All the more reason that a real vampire would not try and drain HIM. Just one lick and they'd leave.

Michael still had ahold of her hair and she allowed the Evil blood to go down her throat. Found it problematic to swallow easily due to her skull being much far up than parallel. HE catches the noise of her throat exercising, looking directly at the lump that's centered on it, burying his face down to the side of her jaw and begins soft kisses on the spot just above her trap line, immediately making her eyes curtain down, from HIS pressure that changes to suck mouthfuls of her flesh in between HIS teeth and forces them together like a vampire would do. Only doing it because she said the word 'vampire' but as well to get Joanna going, building pleasuring tension on her body, changes again from teeth to tongue on skin, tasting the milk floss on her.

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