A marking to never forget (Lemon)

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Recap - [Halloween night of 1978, Michael 'The Shape of Evil' Myers is at large in Haddonfield! HIS home and birth town. After escaping an institution and stealing some stuff to cause a distraction, 2 females gained HIS time and attention to go after them, stalk them, and just maybe.... kill them! HE temporarily dealt with one already and now the other one is all alone, helpless and cannot see the danger around herself. HE played around with this girl for a bit with different games but now it changes]

PLOT: All that ruptures is the sound of the air conditioner machine -- keeping it mightly warm.

Joanna drops her guard when she heard the door close and momentarily heard nothing.
She sat back down in her favourite place of the couch 'n' let loose a relieving breath to stablise her state. Her heart slowing down to a calming pace but that would be short lived when Michael shows her that HE is still there yet being more quiet in HIS actions.

Thinking she was safe, Joanna groped back her book to try and relax for the remainder of the evening that was left to go by. Though death was still staring her right in the face for a little longer, then... The time came to where HE chose to move back behind her and the furniture.

As soon as she lead with her back on the rest is when Michael went for an actual attack; using HIS left hand and wrapping it over her windpipe. Within a frighting hold out of nowhere to her, she lost the book as it fell off her lap onto the floor, she grabbed the forearm and wrist of her aggressor, feeling velcro fabric, a strong grip that is destined to strangle her to death and she knew it from the pressure and lack of breath she was trying to inhale and exhale.

It came to her mind; this is no joke! This isn't Eliza! The hands are too manly and the power of the hold was inhuman.
The man hadn't made one noise yet. No whisper of torment - no laughing - nothing.

For a moment, she remembered that report from a doctor saying something about a person escaping! - Who never said a word and some form of Evil...
Meaning; inhuman. Her eyes widened in shock when not only was she going purple but who was killing her this very second.

Joanna's Mind: "It's HIM! It's Michael Myers!"
She scattered her hands around nearby for anything in panic to what she could use on HIM, after some time longer; her fingers got ahold of something thin from Eliza's knitting set and just before Michael was going to finish it with a knife slit Joanna reached to what energy she had with the weapon and stabbed it through the neck of the mask and dug deep into HIS neck flesh.

The killer grasp on her let off as HE dropped the sharp knife to hold onto the impaling object that was lodged into HIM, backing away into the stairs, bumping against them and pulls it out to look at what she used; a sewing needle. Then HE fell to the floor with a following thud as HIS weight hit it.

When she managed to regain her oxygen back she heard a thump behind her then another one after it then nothing furthermore.
She was almost crying from the near death experience. She was still young and wanted more in life than what she already had and that was a close call to being the end!

She recovered the best she could from it, before getting up off the couch, making her way around it to go for the phone and after so many steps she tripped again and fell on the velcro material, she feels around and realizes that she was actually on HIM.

HE was down, and she gave that the advantage to do a head feel with her hands. Getting to the collar she stopped when her fingers got overlapped by something near HIS neck and got her to lift her hand above the layer, she got ahold of it and squeezed on the piece gently. It felt like rubber, then she recalled back; The latex smell she got was from this.... Coming to the recognition that HE had a mask on.

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