Chapter 17

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Lola took one step over the threshold, setting foot into Natalie's crowded living room and suddenly felt like she'd just made the biggest mistake of her life.

The large room was packed with noisy teenagers, most of whom Lola barely recognized. She spotted a few groups of students from their year but other than that there was no one else that sparked a sense of familiarity.

Lola was used to nights alone in her room, with her TV and her kdramas or books. The biggest crowd she ever hung out with consisted of her two best friends.

You know the term three's a crowd? Then what did they call a hundred teenagers squeezed together in this place.

Okay, maybe it wasn't a hundred, but to Lola it sure felt like it. She could feel Hanna stiffen next to her and the both of them shot a look at Nalini, who was just as uncomfortable.

The only person who seemed to be in his zone was Damien. A few of his friends had spotted him from across the room and immediately flocked to him.

That was until they spotted the girls standing next to him awkwardly.

"What's this? I don't remember inviting randoms. We don't have any assignments due, do we?" Natalie asked the moment she saw Damien standing with Lola and her friends.

"They came with me. Got a problem with that?" He raised an eyebrow at  her, his gaze somewhat threatening and she stared at him, completely dumbfounded.

"Umm, no I guess. But Eva will be furious. She hates her," Natalie replied after a moments hesitation and pointed at Nalini.

"Well this isn't her party and I really don't care what she thinks," Damien replied, his voice laced with irritation.

"Well, I'll leave you to deal with her then and we all know how she is," Natalie replied. "I have no problem with these girls if they're your friends. The drinks are over there, please help yourselves and no vomiting in the vases, okay?"

"No vomiting in vases. Noted," Hanna repeated, looking like she was taking mental notes.

Natalie shrugged her shoulders brusquely and finally took the opportunity to stare at each of them. Her deep green eyes met Lola's for just a second and for some reason Lola wanted to squirm, as if Natalie looking into her eyes would reveal the real reason they had come here tonight.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Damien muttered and then he walked towards the back of the room where the drinks were.

He poured the girls a glass each and then raised a cup to them.

'Liquid courage for tonight and don't worry about Natalie and the rest. They're all just scared of Eva, " He didn't wait for them to join before he gulped down his entire drink.

Despite his words, Damien seemed tense. His dark eyebrows were bunched together in a tiny frown and he quickly poured himself another drink. It looked like he was just as affected by Eva as the rest of the school was, only really good at lying about it.

"Are we going to have to worry about you tonight as well?" Nalini muttered dryly once he had gulped down his second drink.

It was only then did Damien realize how much he had just swallowed. He smiled at them meekly and put his glass down.

"Is it that good?" Nalini took a long sip of the red drink and Damien stopped her in panic.

"You girls better not do what I just did.  I know I look strong," He paused and flexed his muscles, making Lola laugh. "But I can't carry three drunk girls home tonight."

"Damien! My man!" Tyrone called out from across the room. He walked over to their group and gave the girls a once over. "I see you are busy as usual."

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