Vrylle knew she still had to wait, but five years could also be so quick if she did not pay much attention to each passing days. When her debut on society arrives, that would also be the day that she will take a new path.

Vrylle had already decided to do it, so even when the Duke or the young Paladin dismisses that very choice of hers, Vrylle had a leeway, a strategy she hid very carefully under her sleeve.

"Today's lesson was interesting. Thank you, Lady Leana."

The lady responded in a very polite yet suspicious tone before excusing herself. Shrugging the sense of foreboding, Vrylle picked up her embroidery box and asked Merida to escort her back to her chamber, while the other maids remained to clean up the table and put away the tableware they used.

After this lesson, Vrylle had to go to the Auction House with the young Paladin since it was listed on her today's schedule. Then after that, she can finally relax.

Vrylle had no choice but to pushed back some of her classes for the next day since today was the day she had been waiting for. She did not know what will happen after her body suddenly received an Energy, so Vrylle had no choice but to isolate herself for the time being after visiting the auction.

She must prepare herself for the worst.

When Merida and Vrylle finally reached and entered her chamber, she carefully stored the embroidery box to its rightful place then asked Merida to help her change into a more comfortable and light-coloured dress, instructing her that the dress should not be too eye-catching, but also not that simple-looking either.

Vrylle just don't want any weird rumors floating around just because of her way of clothing.

Ladies in this kind of society sometimes make trivial matter into something else, that was why she needed to keep her thoughts in check, so her family's reputation and credibility will not plummet into the ground just because of her own ignorance.


"Yes, M'Lady?"

"These past few days, haven't you heard any weird rumors concerning me?"

Merida stops on her tracks from leashing the pink-coloured satin ribbon around Vrylle's waistline. And even though it only lasted for a quick seconds and the attendant regained her composure back, doing a quick knot of a ribbon that tied on little girl's back, Merida knew that that gesture she did alone gives her away.

Indeed, she had heard something, rumors about the Young Miss she had been serving. She doesn't want to hide it, though, she just didn't want the innocent and adorable Vrylle heard such rubbish.

"Merida. I am asking you."

Vrylle, whose fully aware of Merida's intention but still wanted to know the rumors, had no choice but to put an intimidating gaze and a pressuring speech for Merida to answer her.

Truth be told, Vrylle does not have any idea what were those rumors are. She had been drow- what she mean, dedicating herself to all of her classes and paid more attention to partake in those 'not that important' gatherings the ladies invited her to, just to not look snobbish.

But who would have thought that after all that considerations she took account into, strange rumors made by 'whoever those ladies are' were now floating in the air.

If it was a serious matter, Vrylle don't think she will let this slide. Not to mention that it was her family's honour that was on the line. But if it was trivial, she will let it be.

"M'Lady... that is... the rumors..."

Then, Merida told her what rumors she had heard for quite a while now. As to what the attendant said, the Esteemed Lady of the House of Auburne, which was Vrylle herself, is 'so' perfect that she cannot just choose anyone. And even which houses those sons belongs to, if it isn't in a ducal house same as Vrylle's family or perhaps a prince, she will never consider any letter asking for her hand.

Other rumor floating was, as Merida added, Vrylle was too precious to be married away, that was why the Duke, Ezra, and even the young Paladin, Everett, flatly rejecting anyone who offers them that kind of subject.

After hearing Merida out, Vrylle does not know if she would laugh or cry. She doesn't even know if in which kind of category should she put those rumors are, just to labeled them. And her sense of foreboding? Ugh. Vrylle carelessly fanned the fire now. She just hoped Leana wasn't that kind of Lady.

"Done, M'Lady."

A sigh later, Vrylle stood up on her seat and looked on her reflection in the mirror. A little while ago when Merida narrating her those rumors, as if she was just reading her a novel, the attendant's hands kept working and did not laze around, so now Vrylle was well-prepared.

The white sheer cotton that made out of her dress were trimmed in the same pink satin ribbon that was wrapped around her waist.

Its little sleeves were semitransparent, and the band collar with rounded ends that do not quite meet at the center front has a cute and small flower shaped brooch adorned with pink jewels as its petals, pinned at both sides.

Her footwear, which was a white dress slipper, was made of satin and has a complex design that perfectly matches the dress.

Then, Merida styled her long, black hair into a little loose French braid, starts from the crown of her head to the nape of her neck all the way down and ended three inches before it reached the tip of her hair.

Her bangs were naturally covering her forehead, and a thin layer of loose hair at each sides of her chubby cheeks near her ears were slightly curled.

Merida wanted her Young Miss to wear a leghorn bonnet and jewelries too, to compliment her look and the dress. But Vrylle declined and left the room without wearing any of it, even a single necklace or a pair of earrings or bracelet or ring.

Just so to say, the dress she was now wearing was already stuffy, let alone summer season has arrived, meaning it was too hot and Vrylle cannot afford to add any jewellery to weigh her down even more. The dress was already enough, and wearing a bonnet over her head surely not going help either, it will only make things worse.

Just by imagining the leghorn bonnet that was not only sitting on top of her head but literally wrapping it... ugh... Vrylle can't help but groaned.

In this kind of season back on Earth, Vrylle would just wear a cotton shorts and sleeveless shirt then styled her hair into a bun then tada! She was done and felt refreshed at the same time!

Vrylle starting to dislike summer now. She slowly felt like melting...

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