
The High Society?

Power struggle?

Vrylle care no less to any of these. She even doesn't care about the rumor floating around that the Emperor has his eyes on her. All Vrylle wanted was to be free and be able to do want she wanted to do.

She doesn't want to be controlled, which will surely happen if she did not abandon her current life.

Nobility was a shackle she must break free.

Then, Vrylle and Everett spent time together a little longer before the young Paladin goes back to his duty, same goes for the little girl. As Vrylle got back to her chamber, Merida and Rose changed her dress since it was almost time for her History lesson.

Vrylle had a total of twelve classes. In one day, she had to attend four which lasted an hour or two, some were lasted three or four hours like: History, BSS, and Swordsmanship. And in five days, Vrylle had attended Swordsmanship and BSS for the second time, then now it was History's turn.

That couldn't be helped, especially those classes were in lined together. Only her Equestrian class had fewer hours than those three. And today's classes shuffled a little.

When Merida and Rose were done dressing her, Rusty, one of the best Knight of his squadron, which Ezra thoroughly picked to be his daughter's Personal Knight, accompanied the little girl all the way to the library, where her lesson for History took place.

Vrylle's tutor, Countess Maria, surprisingly wasn't there yet when they arrived.

As to what Ezra said, and to what Vrylle also heard, Countess Maria, Count Wales wife, was a very attentive tutor and strict when it comes to time. Thus, she slightly wondered why the Countess haven't arrived yet.

The first time they had met, the Countess was earlier than her, so what would be the reason, and she was running late?

A sigh later, Vrylle disregarded the thought that had nothing to do with her, then sat on her favourite spot near the window, where she could overlook the soon-to-be Jasmine Garden Ezra gave her as a present.

When the Duke heard from Everett how much the little girl liked jasmines, he ordered the gardeners and other maids to clean and remodel the old pavilion, beautify its surroundings and plant all kinds of jasmines.

It was made her baffled.

Then, when the remodeling started and Vrylle saw that everyone who was working there looked pleased and energized, like they were looking forward for the garden to be finished, Vrylle visited the place sometimes and had light conversation with them.

At first, she just did that out of respect, however, as time passes by, Vrylle felt they were fun and interesting to talk to, so it became a habit, which pleased the workers.

"My Lady, your tutor has arrived." Rusty informed her in a low voice.

"Yes, thank you."

Vrylle responded and stood up, brushes her hands through the skirt of her dress to tame some wrinkles. And as the clicking of footsteps echoed throughout the library, Vrylle straightened her back then dismisses Rusty, tells him to wait outside.

When Rusty moves away from behind the bookshelves, Vrylle's countenance changed so instantly and curved her thin lips into a slight smile.

First impression last, that was what she thought. And her first impression to the Countess was a 'little' impactful, so Vrylle's habitually vigilance heightened another level again.

Hands at each sides of her skirt, countenance ready, Vrylle lowered her face, waiting for the footsteps to come closer. Then, soon as it really did, and it halted right in front of her, a black leathered boots appeared from her line of sight, Vrylle lifts her face, confused.

Why would a Countess wear that kind of shoes? She thought. But by then, an answer presented itself immediately.

"You... are that guy from that time, no? Why are you here if I might ask?"

Vrylle initiated, her countenance changed again, looking straight into those sparkling, different-coloured eyes.

"Greetings, Lady Auburne, My name is Raison von Howard Coston. I am the eldest son of Marques Coston and I will be your History tutor for today onward."

The beautiful young man introduces himself, wearing a small yet warm smile and with a well-mannered gesture. Though little did he know, the young lady standing opposite him saw right through him.

The young man was anxious, but no malicious intent at all. Or maybe yet.

"I see. Then, greetings, Young Master Coston. I'm Vrylle Protea Markle Auburne. I am pleased to be your acquaintance. Please take good care of me. And you can just call me Vrylle."

Vrylle maintained her current countenance then elegantly curtsied. She already had a hint back then that the young man was a noble, but what she hadn't expected was, the young man, named Raison, was Rosalie's elder brother. She hasn't had that information to the original host's memories.

It was one of the flaws.

"Wouldn't it be rude for me to do so?" Raison asked, stunned.

"It wouldn't. And since we are acquaintance now, wouldn't it be given?" Vrylle answered, not caring such trivial matter at all. Well, at least for her.

"If the Lady say so. Then, please, call me Raison. Lady Vrylle."

"Oh, please, drop the Lady. Just call me Vrylle, Raison."

Vrylle doesn't have any intention to play the young man's sincerity. She herself was being sincere, too. Since Raison didn't emit any malicious intent, Vrylle wouldn't act rude to him or show even the slightest of crude behaviour.

She's kind to those who are kind to her, and rude to those who are rude.

"You're too kind and warm. Then, I will also be in your care, too, Vrylle."

After the brief greetings and a little more introductions, Raison started his lesson and the topic he present was about why Magnumium has four continents. As the lesson progresses, Vrylle learned that the name of each of the continents was named after the Demons who demonstrated their powers and intellect to create a balance to the world.

When Vrylle heard about Demons, her concerned back at that time was now justified.

The four ruling Demons. They were indeed Beings, not just mere names.

Raison narrated very carefully that back at the time when there was yet no continents, based on the books and added his knowledge, monsters, Demons, beast, or whatever you call it, dominated the world, treating humans as livestock.

As the young man added, humanity has yet no power to protect or at least defend their selves, resulting to be the first target for a hunt.

But not until some brave people stood up, that despite being a human, they had decent skills and expertise to fight back and even brought down monsters on their own.

Those people was soon called Nobles.

Then slowly, humanity started to defend their selves with the Nobles leading them until they could fight alone a monster and be able to win.

When humans became strong, they began to create their own stronghold and acquired knowledge and combat skills. A stronghold then soon turned into a city, and not too long it turned into a country.

However, that was where a conflict erupted, conflicts between humans themselves.

Humanity started to be more cunning. Not just oppressing monsters, but also oppresses other more races and their own kind.

The power to dominate, that was what they sought.

War and dispute against humanity because of their cunning nature continued for generations after generations. In each country that humans built all around Magnumium, their lust for power and domination etched deeper not just to their bones but also onto their souls.

And since humans are the kind of creature who could adopt things way faster, those who felt oppressed and did not stand the way of their leaders began to stand up.

Then, rebellion erupted. The rebellion of common people to the labeled Nobles.

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