"I'm so sorry babe." Jax exclaimed as he held the almost asleep Adrian, as for the medium, he was glad he had his mate there, he was glad to be safe and in his arms, there was no place he would've rather been if he had woken up from that vision any other time, he sighed taking in Jax's musk, he felt warm and safe and that heat lulled him back to sleep, only this time his mate was there, along with two little kids.


"Hey dad how are you doing?" Jax asked his father during a video call, his father seemed more lively, vibrant, and happier. "I'm alright Jax, how are you, how is Kent, if he's being troublesome I can come and get him." His dad ranted making Jax laugh when he stopped to pout. "Dad, we talked about this, I can handle Kent, plus I have Adrian to help he's a great parent to his siblings, plus Kent loves the twins, they're practically triplets now." Jax replied as he sent photos to his father of Adrian and then Kent with the twins.

The man burst out laughing as he saw Kent running around naked because of sugar rush along with the twins. "They look so precious, oh thank you for these Jax, don't worry I'm okay and I'm getting better but if you need me just call and I will be on a flight over." Jax nodded but with everything that was going on he wanted his dad to stay away from Greeneway Bay for a long while, so when the business trip was put up for his father he urged him to go, when he accepted Jax called his grandparents and told them to kidnap his dad for a while so he could heal.

He loved his dad for everything that he had done for him, he had been accepted, loved for who he was, and taken care of by the man, now that he was able to take care of himself he wanted his dad to enjoy his life, to take care of himself whilst he helped him take care of his little brother, so each daily call showed his dad that they didn't feel abandoned but they wanted him to be happy and find himself again even after the loss of his papa.

For him, it was no longer a sore subject but for his dad, it still hurt and now that he was recovering, it made Jax smile. "I love you, Jax, you and your brother." The man added as he smiled. "We love you too dad, now go have jalapenos or whatever you're eating there." He asserted and the man sent him kisses before he cut the call. Jax smiled happily as he picked out the suit he wanted to wear and Kent's as well. When he was about to turn his beast stirred, something was wrong, with his enhanced senses Jax picked out the scent of a vampire by the main door, and another three behind the house.

He calmed himself before rushing to conclusions as the doorbell rang, He packed everything up and and turned the security alarm on, with his dad not being around Adrian had offered him to stay at their house until he came back, so after school, he had come home, removed unnecessary appliances, packed bags for himself and his brother, the only thing left was getting down with the suits.

The doorbell rang again and Jax checked everything one more time before walking downstairs, he swung the door open to find Conrad standing there with a smile. "Oh hey." Jax offered and Conrad chuckled. "Hello Jax, I wanted to check up on you, I never saw you at school today thought something might be wrong, oh and I wanted to make sure you were still coming to the wedding this evening." Conrad responded and Jax nodded showing him the suits. "I'm coming, but I need Adrian, he's my date, and also I'm fine." Jax replied with a smile which made the vampire smile too.

The thing about being a mystic himself Jax could see past the glamour of magic, so when Conrad smiled his fangs showed slightly, along with that he could see aura like Adrian described, in honest truth, Jax was a little confused, Conrad had been a good friend, he never hurt him and he had been there when his dad died but now figuring out that the guy he knew was a vampire and he might or might not have planned the whole shtick of being his friend made Jax apprehensive, how would anyone deal with a situation like this, he sighed, decided it was best to talk to his mate, maybe he might have answers.

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