t w o : A New Version Of Him

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“Minato sacrifice his own son for the village yet what did we do? . . . We take it for granted and now Naruto was kidnapped,”

“I’m sorry, Hokage-sama.” The councilor who threw a party yesterday regretfully said.

“What’s done is done.” He muttered disdainfully.

“And many of you, can’t understand that Naruto Uzumaki and the Nine-Tails Bijuū are not the same. Naruto is a simple bright kid, while the Kyuūbi is the one who mercilessly attacked the village.”

“I hope we learned something from our past mistakes.” He finished the announcement as he turned around and leave everything to rethink their actions.


“They’re celebrating the day I left, that’s just how much they hate me!.” Naruto screamed, as he tightly gripped on his hair. He already cried enough that he had no more tears left to cry.

“Naruto, that’s enough.” Madara said as he gently removed Naruto’s hands from his hair, “I knew allowing you to visit Konoha, isn’t a good idea.” Madara said as an afterthought.

“Why? What’s wrong with me?!.” Naruto exclaimed as he pushed Madara away, “I didn’t asked for the Kyuūbi to be sealed in me! I didn’t asked to be born at the exact day the Kyuūbi attacked, infact I didn’t asked to be born at all!.” He shouted as his voice cracked.

“What did I do to deserve all their hate?!.”

Tobi whimpered at the shouting teen infront them, “Nothing, Naru-chan!.” He shouted back as he attempted to soothe the crying teen.

Madara held him back, “It’s better for him to let it all out.” He whispered.

Naruto didn’t hear Tobi’s outburst as he heard someone else’s voice, Hate them, The sultry voice whispered in his head.

Hate them for what they did.

Naruto nodded, agreeing with the voice, Hurt them like they had hurt you, Yes, that’s exactly what Naruto wants to do.

Remove the seal. Let me out, I’ll help you. A pair of red eyes appear inside his mind, he seems to be locked by large red bars. Thick air was coming out from it’s nostril, as Naruto did just what he had been ordered to do.

“Madara, I think Naru-chan passed out.” Tobi whispered as he carefully walked towards the unmoving body of Naruto, only to fearfully retreat when Naruto started to laugh maniacally, he laughed so much his stomach started to hurt. He laughed so much there’s tears pouring from his eyes, he laughed too much that his appearance had changed.

Naruto’s once blue eyes had turned into bright red, his lines on his cheeks had became darker.

“He had become one with the Kyuūbi!.” Tobi whispered-yelled as he couldn’t believe what is playing out infront of him.


“Team Kurenai reporting, Hokage-sama.” Hiruzen was informed that the genins of Kurenai was rushed to hospital when they arrived for their mission, and he already had a bad feeling about this.


“The mission was a failure, Hokage-sama.”


Alternate UniverseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ