Chapter 10: reunion

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" Hello and welcome to The Challenge: Dirty Thirty season reunion. So this season saw a lot of things happen. First-ever purge, first-ever redemption house that housed many people, second purge that wasn't known to be a purge until after the winners were chosen, fighting, flirting, and friendships. We saw some kickass rookies and we saw some stubborn veterans. But that's what this show will unearth everything. We got our finalists here: Rookie Katrina Carter, Rookie Tori Deal, Veteran Cara Marie Sorbello, Veteran CT Tamburello, Veteran Hunter Barfield, and Veteran Jordan Wiseley. We haven't seen two rookies in a final in a long time so congratulations on that. Now we need to talk about the veterans this season. Guys: CT, Jordan, Hunter, Bananas, Corey, Nelson, Derrick K, Tony, Leroy, Dario, Darrell, and Shane. Now for the female veterans: Cara Marie, Jenna, Kayleigh, Veronica, Jemmye, Britini, Aneesa, Nicole, Marie, Briana, Amanda, and Simone. We only had a few rookies which they kicked ass this season. Now let's hear from Bananas about his favorite rookie of the season Katrina," Miz said. The entire crowd laughed and clapped and a clip showed of Bananas, Tony, Derrick, and Leroy from the first night and then Bananas and Tony throughout the season going at her.

"What can I say we try to break all the rookies so they will bend to our will and she didn't break. I mean she broke an arm and wrist, got punched in the face, constantly belittled by my friends and myself to break her and nothing would break her. She's a tough cookie. I've talked with her since we wrapped filming for the season and we are actually good. She is a tough cookie. I've apologized and I'm pretty sure most of my veteran friends have apologized for what they did during filming," Bananas said which caused Miz to look at me.

"I've been approached by Tony, Derrick K, Leroy, and Bananas about the situations that happened, and apologies were made. I haven't heard from some but it's whatever because it's just a game whatever happened then happened. I don't want to hold anything against anyone. I have no bad blood because I want to be able to be happy and continue living life," I said while smiling and making it known to all that I wanted happiness and kindness including being forgiving to everyone.

"Can we talk about the real star of this season Katrina not only did you come in a rookie but starting from night two you made a promise to six people that you would take them as far as you could and hope that would be a final? The amazing part is that you actually kept that problem to four of them. How'd you manage to do that," Miz asked me.

"I mean I just made sure to put them before me and I wish Corey could have come farther with us but it came down to him or Hunter which sucked. Then with Nelson and the issue that occurred, I already have talked to him and he's going to be getting a check from me for defending me. It's been a long season and the fact that Nelson had to go home because he hit Derrick K while defending me because of things the guys had been saying about me that night both at the bar and at the house after coming back from the bar. That night was crazy because once we got Nelson under control and out of the room with the producer Aneesa started in on me and we had a huge fallout/ fight because of it and she ended up going home because she decked me. I mean Aneesa girl you got a hell of a right hook. But it's okay," I said.

"I wasn't around when Aneesa started the fight because I was helping producers packing up Nelson's stuff and Cara Marie comes running in saying that Aneesa picked a fight with Kat and that Kat wasn't backing down. So I took off to find out what was happening and I get out there and Aneesa had just punched her and Kat was still standing there looking her in the eyes as if asking for her to hit her again. CT ran in because he didn't Kat to take another blow. After all, Aneesa was more than likely going to hit her again. I took Kat one way and they took Aneesa the other. They haven't spoken to each other since from what I've been told," Hunter said to Miz. Miz looked over at Aneesa.

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