Chapter 2: The Purge

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After waking up I walked into the kitchen area to find someone had put a kettle of so that there was hot water ready for me to make myself some hot tea to calm my nerves. As I'm standing there someone comes up behind me. "Good morning Kat. How'd you sleep," Hunter asked me? I smiled and then turned around to face him.

"Not the greatest but I'm alive and I've got a cup of tea about to be ready so that I can have some caffeine before we have our challenge today and so that I can calm my nerves. How'd you sleep," I asked Hunter who was getting some water?

"I slept just fine. Don't be nervous there is no reason to be nervous. You will do amazing. Now let's take a nice deep breath and get ready to board the bus," Hunter said with a smile as I put my empty teacup in the sink and grabbed the water he was holding out for me. we had arrived at where our challenge was today to see TJ standing there waiting for us.

"Hello and welcome to our first challenge. So, first, we have to discuss that Ashley has left due to personal reasons. Now, I only see 28 of you no CT yet? Well aren't you dropping like flies already," TJ said while chuckling causing everyone to laugh. "Now we have done losing one person from the first challenge, we've done two people from the first challenge, and we've done four people from the first challenge. We aren't going to do that this season. Instead, we are going to eliminate six people today in our first annual challenge purge. So welcome to the purge," he said which caused people to panic. "You ready to start the purge. It'll be played in 3 rounds: the first round is the barrel race, the second round is the cannon run, and the final round is the bomb drop. Three males and three females will be eliminated before the challenge really even starts for this season. Now to talk about the barrel race; you'll start up here and race down to where the barrels are and grab one and push it all the way back up here to meet me. the first four females and four males will be safe and will continue in the challenge and return to the house. On your mark, get set, and go," TJ yelled which lead me and everyone else to take off. I tried to stay as close to the front of the group as possible. I've grabbed a barrel and I'm running up the hill while pushing the barrel and not paying attention to anything around me. I just pushed the barrel across the start line and I hear the air horn blow. "Congratulations for the males Derrek K, Bananas, Hunter, and Jordan and the females Aneesa, Tori, Kayleigh, and Katrina. Way to get things done. Everyone else it's time for round two but first, let's put you into two teams. Each team will have to carry two cannons from down here to the top of where the barrels were pushed. The first team to do that will have all members safe. Ready, Set, Go," TJ said. I was worried for Hunter's friends that were still out there and Cara Marie because she seems to be a kind human and I want her to be able to get to know her more. We were waiting around to see who can carry the cannons up faster when I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turn around.

"Hey, you did it. You did an endurance challenge that was slightly physical and you killed it. I'm glad that you and I are safe now let's just hope that Nelson and Corey can get safety themselves so that we can all stay teamed up together," Hunter said to me as he smiled at me. I nodded before adding Cara Marie's name as someone I wanted to be safe as well and he just nodded to what I had to say. Just as we finished talking we noticed Nelson and Cara Marie with two other people carrying a cannon and placing it into its spot before running down to help their other cannon make their way up the path. The challenge moved onto the final round which Corey and Jenna won and they sent six people packing one being Darrel who I always thought was super kind and was nice enough to make me feel safe in my old room before I decided to move. So now we are headed back to the house with everyone to relax and have a night off. We were all laying around outside when I heard some screaming happen from the other side of the backyard area. I looked up to see a very familiar man standing there yelling at Bananas.

Love in the Challenge : The Challenge Dirty 30जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें