Chapter 1: Ready or Not

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Here I am, at the challenge. Who am I you might ask, whelp I'm Katrina Carter? There are so many people around me right now that are absolute legends of The Challenge. We were all standing there when in walks TJ Lavin the host of the show. "Hello guys, to all of my new faces I'm TJ Lavin the host of the challenge. This season is special though because you are some of the nastiest, most deceitful, most backstabbing people that we could find. Now some of you have been on the show for many years some of you this is your first appearance; however, make sure this one statement is clear in your mind. You are all here because you can't be trusted and have screwed people over in the past. Welcome to Dirty 30. Now I only see 29 of you, Bananas' who is missing," TJ asked Johnny Bananas who is a challenge legend.

"CT got stopped by customs on his way in. I don't know if he'll make it here for the season," Bananas said which caused all the guys in the group to cheer up. While the girls all just stayed there not very much phased by a guy being missing.

"So, this area you are standing in is the Presidio. This is where all elimination will be taking place from here on out. Now to get put into the Presidio you simply have to be one of the people that lose the challenge from that day. The winners are the only people guaranteed safety from the Presidio. Now with that being said I would like to say it's time to turn in because I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow at 5:30 am for your first challenge, make sure you're ready or it very well may be your last challenge," TJ said and then left the Presidio and we all walked out to the buses that were taking us to the house we were staying at. I looked around to take note of the people who were there. We had just arrived and I placed my bag in a room on the bottom bunk of a bed. I don't really care who I share a room with and I just want to explore. I had just made it to the backyard when I saw a big group of people grabbing drinks and getting ready to make a toast. I grabbed a beer and joined everyone.

"To the nastiest, most brutal, terrible, dishonest assholes that could be found may this season be the craziest and spiciest season so far in Cartagena, Spain," Bananas said and everyone cheers and then takes a drink. I decided to go sit by the pool and put my feet in since I love the water.

"Mind if I sit and chat with you," I hear a male say and I turn to see it's Hunter and I nod, and then he sits and begins to speak again. "So, I don't think I've seen you on the show before so I would like to introduce myself but also ask your name and how you ended up here. If you don't mind telling me, you don't have to. I'm Hunter Barfield and I'm from Florida and I like to play baseball," Hunter said with a little worried expression on his face. I just smiled and then nodded my head again.

"Hello, Hunter. My name is Katrina Carter. I'm a medical lab technician that just moved to Texas. I'm originally from Missouri and I grew up on a farm. I've never been on a reality TV show; however, I grew up hunter, fishing, and playing games with my pops and my brother. I'm nervous about what is to come from this season because it's called Dirty 30. Thank you for approaching me and talking to me. I get super nervous and anxious in new situations so I just look for one stable thing which happens to be the water my favorite place ever. But how are you, Hunter? I think I've seen you on the show before so what makes you come back for more," I asked Hunter waiting for him to respond as he looked at me a smiled, and then had a small chuckle.

"Of course you are a farm girl at heart that's moved to Texas perfect place for you. I'm glad you have found a way to be comfortable in the crazy situation that is the challenge. I guess I keep coming back because I want to prove that I belong here at the challenge and that I can be a champion. I know I have to work on my mental strength and puzzle ability since I can do any type of endurance or physical competition that is really thrown at me. So then besides hunting what do you do for fun," Hunter said to me.

Love in the Challenge : The Challenge Dirty 30Where stories live. Discover now