Chapter 6: Pirate's Treasure

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I get woken up by being slightly shaken. I realize that I'm still laying on Hunter's chest and he is laughing with the guys. He looked down at me. "Oh, did us laughing wake you up? I'm so sorry," Hunter said and pulled me in tightly. I just snuggled into his arms and stayed laying in bed and listened to the conversation Hunter was having with the guys. I was spacing out until I realized Hunter was playing with my hand and then I just looked up and smiled at him. He looked down at me a pulled a funny face causing me to laugh while the others just watched us being us.

*CT Confessional*

I'm no longer worried about Katrina falling for Hunter after seeing how he treated her last night and took care of her. He made sure to put her life before his which made me so thrilled that he has chosen her to get to know. I mean if you watched them interact for five minutes then you can see the changes that have occurred from Hunter on the last season to Hunter now. He's not as hot-headed and he seems to be more there for her than he is there for anyone else. Then the fact that his best friends came to protect them last night. She's in good hands that I know. Watching them this morning just interacting, talking, and laughing; you can see the caring and compassion that they have for each other.

*Cara Marie Confessional*

After meeting Katrina and seeing her as a scared girl the first night who was panicking about things Bananas said to her to now being so confident and happy. She found herself while talking with Hunter and he brings out the best in her. She also calms his hot-headedness and makes him a better version of himself. It's beautiful to see their story blossom right before our eyes.

*Nelson Confessional*

Man, my boy is falling head over heels for this girl and is making sure that she knows that. He puts her first in so many things. He has definitely found his girl. This one will probably be the one and I can't be happier for him. To think he almost said no to coming to this season because he was so devastated from last season coming on and getting broken up with and being heartbroken. I'm glad he came here and found Katrina. The two of them seem to fit each other so well. I mean we all see them this morning just laughing, smiling, talking, and goofing around while laying in bed. They match each other's energy and they put a smile on everyone's face.

*Hunter Confessional*

Y'all dragged me in from being in bed with my girl. Yes, I did just call her my girl. But yes she is wonderful. I know you are going to ask me a bunch of questions about her and all I have to say is she is cute and I want to get to know her even more.

*Katrina Confessional*

Ugh, you just want me to talk about Hunt. I mean I don't mind talking about him because he makes me super happy but I'd rather be curled up in bed with him until we have to leave for our challenge today.

The group was being sent out to the next challenge where Jenna and Tony got to make the teams and I got put with Derrick after everything that has happened and Hunter got paired with Marie. Apparently last night Jordan said things he shouldn't have so if he loses today he will be sent into the Presidio. WE went through the challenge and CT, Cara Marie, Nelson, and Veronica won their rounds. However, Hunter and Marie lost along with Tony and Tori. So they were automatically put down in the bottom with Bananas, myself, Ammo, Nicole, Derrick, and Jenna. The winners nominated Jordan and Kayleigh which I figured would happen. Now it's time for the draw. We got to the double-cross and Ammo was sent into battle Jordan and Marie to battle Kayleigh. Kayleigh and Jordan ended up winning. We were safe this week and that was a good feeling so we all went home to get the notification that we would be taking part in a mid-day challenge tomorrow. "How do you and the young bucks keep sliding by without getting nominated. You must be sleeping around the house and doing some real favors to be here still and without being nominated to go into an elimination yet," Tony said as he coming across the room and getting into my face. Tony had been drinking and I was the only one in the room.

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