Chapter 3: Sitting Around

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"You've got to get up! We are going to be leaving here in an hour and you aren't awake and ready to go yet. I have a cup of tea for you," I hear Hunter say as I am being woken up. I sit myself up and then curl in a bawl under the blankets and take the cup from Hunter's hand with a smile that says thank you. "How'd you sleep Kat," Hunter asked me as I took a sip.

"I slept pretty well. I was cold but I'll be okay once I actually get my tea in my system and I get myself dressed in warmer clothes. Did you say we only have an hour until we leave," I said kind of panicking a little? He nodded. "Whelp looks like I'm not going to be able to wear makeup and my hair will need to be braided. Can you find someone to braid my hair," I ask Hunter as I sit up more and get ready to get out of my bunk? He signals for me to turn around and I did so and Hunter started pulling my hair into a braid for me. "Where did you learn to braid," I asked Hunter as he finished braiding my hair and took my hair tie to secure my hair.

"I have nieces and I had a sister who always liked her hair to be braided plus I braided the horse's hair and ropes all my life growing up," Hunter said as I grabbed my clothes and head to the bathroom and he takes the cup I was drinking out of from my hand and he heads towards the kitchen. Once I was changed and walked out to the front area of the house to see Cara Marie, CT, Nelson, Corey, and Hunter all chilling out on the couches. I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch by Hunter and across from CT. Once everyone was ready we got on the buses and headed towards our challenge for the day. Once we got there and everyone had gotten off the bus and walked to where TJ was he explained that today's challenge will require us to be able to sit still on a small ledge above the water. He explained how the first two males and the first two females to fall off will be headed straight into the Presidio. The last two females and last two males from each round will be the winners and will be safe from being sent in against the nominated person male and female from the winners. We were split into our groups Cara Marie, Corey and Nelson were in one group and then Hunter, CT, and myself were in the second group which is nice since I didn't really have any females that I cared about having to win in my group I wanted CT and Hunter to be safe and the only way to do that was to make sure one of them win and make sure that I win so that we have the most numbers in the winners' deliberation so that those who didn't win can be kept safe. As the first group went I noticed Corey was the third guy to fall off so he wasn't directly into the Presidio which was a good start. The first round continued until Cara Marie, Nelson, Nicole, and Derrick K were left up there that was safe. Now it was our round and I somehow got positioned between CT and Hunter which could be really bad since people will be shooting right at CT and Hunter but if they miss then I'm going to get hit. I look over at Hunter as we got situated in our spots and he smiled at me. We had just started and already three people have fallen off the wall. I noticed that two guys had fallen and there was only CT, Bananas, Hunter, and one other guy still up on the wall and only one girl had fallen off the wall which was Brittini. I was worried about myself falling off. I was in my head thinking when a tomato smashed me in the head and I started to feel like I was falling. But I wasn't falling I don't think I heard ringing in my ears and I heard someone yelling about getting me then I heard someone close to me. Someone I didn't recognize the voice of.

"Hello, Katrina. You are safe. We have pulled you up from the water you are now being transferred to the back of the ambulance and you will be taken to the hospital for a check-up. You fell pretty hard what can you remember," the medic asked me.

"I was just sitting there thinking and then I got hit in the head and then all of sudden I felt like I was falling but I didn't think I was falling but I couldn't open my eyes. What happened is everyone else okay," I asked as I sat up rather quickly trying to get up off the stretcher and out of the ambulance.

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