Chapter 9: Finals

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So after making it onto the plane and all the way to Australia we started our final straight off. We were put into pairs for all the different tasks and we were worried. Hunter and I ended up being partnered up for the last leg only. I was first with Jordan and then my middle section was with CT. We started on a running part in which Jordan, Hunter, Tori and I stayed together in a pod with CT and Cara Marie really close behind us. When we get to the switch point CT and I start carrying all the things that we need to while moving them to solve the puzzles that were placed in front of us. Jordan and Cara Marie are right on our tails with Hunter and Tori just behind them. Once the puzzles were all solved we were told that we were now going to be climbing Hunter and I start climbing and then Jordan and Tori started behind us and Cara Marie and CT right behind them. We had climbed to the top to find TJ standing there with a double-cross pull in front of us. Once we were all up to the top the boys pulled first and Jordan pulled the double-cross and he added time to Hunter's time to secure that he would be the winner in his eyes since Hunter can move faster than CT in Jordan's eyes. I was then up first for the girls and I pulled the double cross I looked at both my girls and then chose to use it on Cara Marie because she's running finals before so she knows what will be coming for the next portion of the final. We were then told we had to decide with our partner who would stay up on these rocks while their partner sleeps. Hunter told me to go to sleep and I went and laid down for about an hour before Hunter came and woke me up. I stayed awake and standing on the rocks for 3 hours before I went and woke up Hunter. I wanted him to have the best shot possible because I know that this is his dream to run and possibly win a challenge. I was watching the others switch more often than Hunter and I were switching. Hunter came down after about half an hour and came to get me. "I'm sorry babe but I fell off the rock again. If you want to step up just to get back down so that you can go back to bed I'm okay with that," Hunter said to me feeling bad. I just hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Hunt go to bed babe. I will stand on the rock as long as I can you need the sleep I can go without it for now and then sleep after the final is over," I said as I walked over to the rock and climbed back up to be standing with the girls. "Hey ladies, how we doing," I said which caused Tori and Cara Marie to smile and laugh.

"Well it's so late or maybe early but it's wonderful right now," Tori said sarcastically which cause us all to giggle. "I mean you and Hunter have only traded off like once. I thought I saw you out here for a long while. I mean have you really slept at all," Tori asked me to which I nodded and smiled.

"I mean I've slept for about two hours now. I stood up here for three hours earlier just so he could get some sleep. He's going to need the sleep more. I mean I'm just happy I've gotten this far with a broken wrist and finding Hunt. Like I'm good with whatever place I get to be honest," I said which caused both the girls to look at me.

"Do you love that boy," Cara Marie asked me which caused me to look down at the ground shyly before nodding. This prompted Cara Marie to ask another question. "Does he know that you love him yet," Cara Marie asked me? I just smiled and looked down at the ground.

"I've told him. We talked about it on our lunch date after we won that last challenge. We talked about what we are going to do after this final and what is our next step. He wants me to come on over and meet his family and then he said he wants to meet mine but he's worried how they will react to meeting me. I said that they would love him because yes he may be a hothead but with me, he tries to be better and tries to remember that being a hot head won't get him anywhere," I said which caused the girls to look at me. "Tori I got a question about what's going on with you and Jordan. Don't lie to me and say nothing because I know you have a boyfriend but you two seem like something is going on between you. Especially when he had the chance to make sure that Hunter would be in the redemption house and then he made sure that didn't happen because of what you wanted," I said to Tori.

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