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"Be dressed by 7." Czar said as he walked into the dinning room while fixing his suit jacket.

"For what?" I asked as took a bite out my dinner that Lonnie had made for  me.

"We have to attend a Gala tonight, its for business purposes."

"Ugh, I don't want to go." I groaned.

"You really don't have a choice." He said as he walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a drink.

I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat. I knew I would have to get all dressed up and act "proper" for the night. I wouldn't know anyone there and Czar would properly wonder off to talk to some of his business friends. 

"Can I just stay here," I complained.

"No, you can't" He said. "And formal attire only."

He walked out the room and I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I couldn't imagine having to do this every week. I will have to tell Czar that I wasn't much of a social person and I hated being in large crowds maybe he'll understand. Or maybe he'll drag me along with him anyways.

I didn't dwell on it for too long as I finished my dinner before placing my dish in the sink and heading upstairs to my room. I took a nice shower before brushing my teeth, I stared at the iron and thought about straighten my hair. It would take me at least an hour but I decided I would do it anyways. I decided to get my make-up out the way first before I began to straighten my hair.


An painful hour later I was finally done. I glanced at the time and realized I had about 10 minutes to get ready. Whenever Czar gave me a time he wanted me to be dressed and down the stairs by that exact time, or he'll become all grumpy and mean.

I wrapped my robe tighter as I headed to my closet to pick out my dress. I knew that I didn't want anything too big, I could barley walk in heels as it is and having a big dress only made it harder for me. So I settled on a navy blue, long-sleeved mermaid dressed. The back was open and plunged and stopped just above my bottom. There was a slit on the left side which stopped just above my thigh. The dress hugged my curves perfectly and made me feel confident, I slid on my black pumps and added a bit of jewelry.

When I was sure I looked good, I dowsed myself in perfume and made my way down there stairs where Czar was waiting by the door and glancing at his watch. When he heard my heels clicking on the floor he looked up.

He looked me up and down while I stood there awkwardly. His eyes froze on my hair.

"You like it?" I asked as I flipped it behind my shoulder.

"It's nice, but I prefer your curls, its more beautiful that way."

My heart fluttered at his words and I turned my head to hide my smile.

He cleared his throat "Well come on, we have to get going."

He opened the door for me and I exited it with him following close behind me. Tonight we took a limo instead of Czar driving like he usually did. It was more awkward this way, every now and then Czar would glance at me and I would hurry to turn my head so he wouldn't know that I had been staring at him. I often wondered what was going through his mind, he was such a quiet person and it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

Especially with his emotionless eyes.

When we arrived at our destination Czar helped me out of the car. I hadn't expected to be blinded by flashing cameras and paparazzi  who were shoving them in our faces. Czar kept walking through the crowd while holding on tightly to my waist. Eventually we made it inside the building and he dropped his arm.

"While we are here you are not to leave my side you understand?" He said sternly.

I nodded my head and he hooked his arm in mine as he guided me towards a table. There were women dressed up in the most amazing gowns and I suddenly felt self-conscious. The room was quiet with a bits of conversation here and there. Czar pulled out a seat for me and I took it, he sat beside me and I looked around our table.

There were four men and two women sitting with us. One of the girls had long brown hair which fell in waves, she had big brown eyes that took up most of her face and reminded me of a deer. Her lips were thin and her cheekbones high. She was beautiful in a strange way. The other girl had red hair which was styled in a neat bun, her face was covered in freckles and she had pale blue eyes they almost looked white. Her lips were plump and very pink and her eyelashes were extremely long. 

Both of them were eyeing me and I slumped in my seat feeling even more self-conscious. Czar dove into a conversation with the men at the table and I was bored out of my mind as I looked around.

The girl with the red hair leaned towards me "Is that your natural hair?" She asked.

I looked at her confused. "Yes, it is."

She made a face. "Wow." She sat back in her seat. "You're pretty for a black girl."

My mouth fell open at her words and my blood began to boil "Excuse me?" I said.

"I said you're pretty for a-"

I went to lunge at her but Czar grabbed my arm and sat me back down in my seat. I  turned to him wanting him to let me go but he shook his head. He glanced at the guy that sat beside the redhead. His face became filled with worry and regret as he grabbed the girl by the arm and left the table.

I could feel my frustration taking over as tears began to form in my eyes. I batted them away and looked down at my hands, wishing that I was anywhere but here.

"Never let them see you sweat." Czar whispered in my ear. "She only wanted to get a reaction out of you."

He sat back up in his chair and I glanced up at him. He was looking around the room and his eyes zeroed in on something. His face hardened and he stood up before looking back at me.

"I'll be back, do not leave this table." He told me before walking off.

I was confused to wear he was going and I felt a little panic attack starting from being left alone with people I didn't know. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of anything to make me forget where I was but it was no use. My breathing became heavy and my head began to spin, my eyes blurred over and I stood up from the table and looked for the bathroom.

I knew Czar had told me not to leave the table but I needed to be alone. I finally found a bathroom sign and as I was making my way to it I felt as if everyone was staring at me which caused me to go faster. When I made it inside the bathroom I was thankful that it was empty. I hurried into a stall and sat down as I tried to claim myself down and stop shaking. I felt like a little kid all over again, hiding in a stall because I couldn't handle being in a crowd. I wanted to cry, I wanted to go home.

I wanted to be with my family. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

Just as I was gathering my strength to go back out there was a loud bang and the lights turned off.

I screamed in terror and busted out of the bathroom stall. I felt around on the walls for the door handle and when I finally found it I yanked it open. The whole room was dark and everyone was screaming some people were even crying. Every now and then a bang would go off and a flicker of light would pop up. I realized that it was a gun going off and I dropped to the ground to prevent getting hit.

"Zariah!" I heard Czar's voice yell but I had no idea where he was.

"Czar!" I called back.

"Zariah stay where you are I'm-" he was caught off by another bang and I let out a scream.

I balled my body up and began to cry.

What was happening.


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