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"Are you comfortable?" Czar asked as he glanced at me.

We had just got ourselves situated on his private jet and it was getting ready for take off.

"I'm not a big fans of planes." I breathed as I looked out the window.

"It's not a plane, it's a jet." He said as if I was dumb.

I rolled my eyes at him but said nothing further as the jet began to take off. I grabbed the armrest of my seat and closed my eyes as it lifted off the ground. By the time the plane was fully in the air I felt more relaxed. I finally opened my eyes and looked at Czar who seemed to be staring at me the whole entire time.

'What?" I breathed.

"Nothing." He said as he looked down at his phone with furrowed eyebrows.

"Will you be busy the whole honey moon?" I asked.

"Why would you care?" He said without looking up at me.

I should have expected that answer, and he was right. Why would I care? 


Czar was busy on his laptop and phone the whole entire plane ride. He didn't put the phone or laptop away until it was time for us to land. I closed my eyes once again until we were safe on the ground. I was quick to unbuckle my seatbelt, my butt was going numb from sitting for so long.

"After we get all settled in the hotel I have a meeting to attend." He explained.

I didn't say anything as I walked past him towards the door. He could go to all the meetings he want but I was going to enjoy myself while I was here.

Czar got our bags and put them in the car that was waiting for us while I got in and sent a message to Lada letting her know that we had landed safely. 

Lada thought this honeymoon would be the perfect opportunity for Czar and I to get along and to get to know each other but that obviously wasn't going to be the case.

Once again Czar was on his phone and I couldn't help but think why would even bother to bring me if he was going to annoy me the whole time. I wonder if our whole marriage would be like this? He would be gone away for work all the time while I would be forced to stay inside the house with nothing to do. Maybe I could start working on my fashion line, I would need to do something to keep me distracted from the fact that my life is a complete mess.

When we finally arrived to the hotel I hurried out of the car and grabbed my own bags. Czar watched me with furrowed eyebrows but he didn't say anything as he grabbed his bags as well. We walked inside the hotel and was greeted by an extremely beautiful lady at the front desk. Her skin was a golden brown and she had long black hair that flowed down her back. Her eyes were set on Czar and she seemed to be fixing her appearance, I just knew she was getting ready to flirt.

"What can I do for you today sir?" She asked while smiling and batting her eyelashes  at him.

"I booked the honey moon sweet." He said.

The women looked at me and her face fell. "What's your last name?" She asked.

"Kuzmich." Czar said.

The women typed the name into the computer before smiling and handing him the keys. "If you two need anything just call the desk."

Czar said nothing as he walked away and I quietly thanked her. I rushed to keep up with Czar who seemed to be in a rush. We finally made it to the elevator and I took it as a chance to catch my breathe. 

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