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I sprung up in bed in confusion and was instantly blinded by the bright lights.

"Ow." I said as I held my hand up to my head which still hurt terribly.

"Lay back, everything is okay." Czar said as he slowly pushed me back down onto the hospital bed.

"Everything hurts." I groaned.

My head and back hurt the worse of course and the lights were only intensifying the headache  that I had.

"You have a bad concussion, and your back was grazed by the bullet. They patched it up and said you would heal just fine." Czar said.

"And the baby?" I asked.

"The baby is fine." He reassured me.

I let out a sigh of relief and was able to finally relax my body.

"What happened to Annika?" I asked.

"When I got there I found here sitting on the floor beside the door she was trying to get into. She was...she was crying. When the police arrived they arrested her, she's in a mental institute right now, she had a mental breakdown."

He was looking blankly at the wall, but I could tell he was trying to keep his composure.

"I'm so sorry Czar." I said.

"Don't be, none of this is your fault. I should've seen the signs, they were all there. She was never able to keep the proper help that she needed and now she finally can." He explained.

I reached for his hand and held it. "I'm glad that you're here."

"I'm glad that you're okay." He smiled. "And that the baby is okay too."

He placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Oh, she is awake!" My mother said as she burst into the room.

Czar stood up, and took his hand away from mine. Josiah and my father followed in after my mother.

"What are you doing here?" My father questioned Czar as he folded his arms.

"What? Dad don't be rude." I said.

"No, Zariah, your dad is right. His sister nearly killed you!" My mother said.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are you guys being serious right now?"

"Yes, Zariah we are. This man is dangerous your father told me everything. Had I known the truth about him I would have never let him marry you. He's a murder, a monster!" My mother shouted.

My blood started to boil and I balled up my fist. If I had not been attached to so many machines I would've been out of this bed.

"Get out! Both of you get out! You don't get to come in here and bash my husband after you were the ones who forced me to marry him! And now that I've found happiness with him you want to get rid of him! Get out or so help me god I will call for security!"

"Zariah you are being unreasonable." My father said as he took a step towards me.

Czar stepped in front of me. "I would never disrespect you in front of your daughter. But if she has to tell you to get out again I will remove you myself."

My father looked at Czar with both fear and shock and after a few seconds he turned to my mother. "Let's go."

My mother turned to look at me. "I will not support this I can't support this. I-I" She began to cry. "I never want to see you again, for however long you are married to this monster!" She stormed out of the room and my father followed closely behind her.

Her words stung a bit, but I said nothing. I sat quietly with my fist balled up at my side. 

"I'm sorry Zariah." Josiah finally said, breaking the silence. "I have no idea what has gotten into them."

"It's okay." I sniffed and wiped away a few stray tears. "Parents are overrated anyways."

Josiah half smile but it was gone as quickly as it came. He knelt beside me.

"I just want you to be happy, and if he makes you happy then I see no wrong in it."

"Thanks Siah." I wrapped him up in my arms and began to cry.

Czar silently exited the room so we could have privacy.

"And don't worry about mom and dad, they'll come around eventually." He said as he pulled slowly away from me.

"I don't care, in fact I hope they never do. They'll never fully accept Czar and they'll fully accept this baby-"

"You're pregnant?" He asked cutting me off.

"Yes." I smiled. "I was waiting to tell you."

"I'm going to be an uncle?" Slowly his smile  returned. "I'm going to be an uncle!"

I laughed at how excited he suddenly got, he was just about dancing around the room with excitement.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We don't know yet, Czar thinks it's a boy" I said as a I rubbed my stomach.

"I agree, it's a boy. A boy named Josiah."

We both laughed and began to talk about baby names for a while. Eventually an hour passed and Czar came back into the room, a nurse following close behind him.

"I'm here to give you your pain meds, they're going to make you a bit sleepy after words." She explained.

I groaned in annoyance, I wasn't ready to go back to sleep, I had hardly been away. Josiah gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he left out and Czar sat beside me holding my hand as the nurse took the needle and added the pain med to the IV.

"Hmmm, I always thought you'd be afraid of needles for some reason." Czar said after the nurse had left the room.

"Well, I work with a lot of them. I used to hand sow and stabbed myself a lot of times with that annoying little needle." I explained.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"My head still hurts." I said.

My eyes were starting to feel heavy, I guess the meds were starting to kick in.

"I guess all that arguing didn't help much." Czar teased.

I rolled my eyes annoyance.

"I'm sorry that I came between you and your parents." He said.

"You didn't do anything Czar, they did it to themselves."

He looked at me and gently placed a kiss on my forehead. I could hardly keep my eyes open as I laid back in the bed and stared at Czar."

"Zariah?" He said.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes and allowed for myself to fall asleep.

I dreamed of a bouncing baby boy, with beautiful blue eyes.


I'm not crying, you are! Two more chapters left :( Plus the epilouge. I'm starting to regret not making this book into a series but there isn't any going back now. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment, vote, share, and follow. Until next time my lovelies.

BTW- It's my birthday week! :D

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