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POV: Catie

"I'm proud of you for making the team." I smiled at Kate as she walked ahead of me on the sidewalk despite me telling her to stay by my side over and over again. I don't like it when she walks in front of me. I can't protect her if I can't reach her.

"Thanks babe, although it's the one-hundredth time you've told me that." Kate giggled at me over her shoulder.

I offered to take her out in the city after her first practice, so here we are, Monday night in the freezing cold, walking along the city sidewalk because she loves the bright lights. It's a bit of a drive, but it isn't horrible. Kate cracking dad jokes the whole way made it better.

"Can we go on a boat ride?" Kate stopped dead in her tracks when we got to the bridge and the tent for the boat ride tickets was a few feet away.

"I am not getting on a boat in forty degree weather." I shot her idea down immediately.

"But I reeeeeally want to. I did really good in volleyball." She stopped dead in her tracks to turn around and look at me.

When I saw that she had her puppy eyes engaged I quickly looked away. "No, no puppy eyes are not working this time."

"It's not that cold." Kate tried to make a point with a small whine.

"Says the one who stole my winter coat and left me to stack two sweatshirts. I'm not used to the cold. You on the other hand are a winter troll." I looked down at her to see her bottom lip stuck out.

"I am not a troll!" She slapped my arm that was tense from the cold. She always slaps my arm when I do or say something stupid. It's a reflex of hers.

I reached up and held that part of my arm that starting to sting. If it wasn't cold it would be fine. I felt it through the two sweatshirts. Then again, I did call her a troll.

"I really wanna go." She pushed further.

"If I agree to take you on one tomorrow, can we not go now?" I sighed and released my grip on my arm. I made the mistake of looking down at the puppy face and I really want to get out of the cold.

"Yeah, I guess that will be okay. I'm cold. Let's go home." Kate shrugged and grabbed my bare hand with her gloved hand. Yeah, she stole my gloves too. They're too big for her, as well as my coat, but she doesn't care to say the least.

"You just said you weren't cold." I shivered as another gust of cold wind hit me.

"I changed my mind."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. How do you change your mind on if you are cold or not?

"Awe, I confused the cute puppy." Kate reached up and pinched my cheeks. My skin almost appreciated the warmth of her hand until she pinched me.

"Am not." I mumbled and pulled one of the hoodies over my head and tightened the strings with my free hand.

"Mhm, okay then." She wasn't convinced, but it was a lost cause to try and convince her otherwise. I've tried. Multiple times.

"How come you get to shower first? You had my coat and you take longer showers. I have to thaw out." I whined and crossed my arms over my chest as my girlfriend got ready for a shower.

"You can always join me. I never said you couldn't." Kate gave me a sinful grin.

"Oh no you don't, you tease. You get handsy when I am just trying to bathe myself." I shook my finger.

"Didn't know that was a bad thing." She had the same look on her face. "You can sit out here to warm up or join me in the nice warm shower and get even hotter." She started to strip in front of me and my eyes slightly widened. Yeah, she still has that effect on me.

"Offer still there?" I asked as I shed both of my sweatshirts at the sight of my, now, naked girlfriend standing tall and confident in front of me.

"Always." She walked into the bathroom with a wink over her shoulder.

I took my pants and underwear off at the same time while walking to the bathroom, nearly falling face first, and took my bra off in the doorway.

My jaw slacked the slightest bit at the mouthwatering sight in front of me.

Kate stood in the shower with a look that drives me insane, and she knows it.

"Come here." Kate's voice was calm and collected while I was struggling to gain mental control of the situation.

I got in the shower, the too hot water pelting my skin. "Fuck, I knew it was a trap." I hissed and stepped away from the painfully hot water.

"That wasn't on purpose. I didn't know it was hot. I'm sorry baby." Kate cooed and immediately turned the temperature down to a more manageable level for me.

I mumbled random frustrated sounds as I rubbed my torched skin in attempt to soothe the sting.

"It's cooler now." Kate gently pulled me into the water and I tensed up before I realized she actually cooled it down instead of a smidge like she likes to do.

"I've never met a more temperature tolerant human being in my life." I mumbled and turned to face my beautiful girlfriend.

"Can you stop complaining so I can fuck you or are you going to continue?" Kate was blunt. More blunt than usual.

"I-I, um." I cleared my throat. I am a top. I am a top. I am a top. I am not going to be topped today. No.

"I want to make you feel good tonight, Catie. You've been spoiling me. Let me spoil you." Kate sucked on my neck harshly, earning a guttural moan from me. "Just say yes."

I wanted to gain control so badly, but I couldn't. My body wasn't doing what my brain was telling it to.

"Put your pride aside and say yes, baby." Kate managed to reach my earlobe and nipped just enough to drive me even more insane than I was already going.

"O-okay, y-yes." I hissed when she nipped on my collarbone and moved back to my neck.

"Good choice." Kate chuckled lowly and laced her fingers in my hair, forcing me to look down at her, and roughly smashed her lips to mine.

Our water bill is about to go through the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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