In Memory

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In the most unfortunate event that the reds n blues had was the pelican assigned to them needed...gas. "gas... gas! of all things you would think these things would be ready but NOOOO it just had to run out of gas!" Grif yelled, the fury of the orange armored man was unusual for the most part but when he was having a oreo withdrawal...

Well it's best to leave that to the imagination, "ughhhhh man just shut up" tucker growled. He was mostly annoyed by caboose's complaints of a headache tucker wasn't even sure that was humanly possible for him but regardless of it he simply sighed and sat back down in his seat. As he sat there he didn't notice a certain blue sim trooper leave the pelican.

Caboose stood in the hanger of the Blue Dawn all of her crew were busy with any vehicles weapons and armor, anyone that lordered and were quickly scolded by their officers. Caboose found himself chuckling but he didn't know why he had a feeling he knew this ship or was it other ships like it? His head suddenly felt heavy and he was confused as to why, needed church to explain this to him.

So he set out to find him, with the winding halls and people staring at him flashes filled his head of people he doesn't know or knows but doesn't remember he thinks one of them had a name that started with the letter C, but he didn't find church instead he found wash who looked at a computer screen with a weird alien standing beside him.

Caboose approached the duo, he stood there awkwardly for a moment before the spartan noticed him. "Caboose what are you doing here?" Wash asked him turning in his seat to face the other "oh uh hello uhhh do you know where church is at?" Caboose simply asked, wash stiffened unsure of how he would tell him "um caboose church.. he's um.." but lucky him cova found an excuse "he isn't feeling that well... but I'm sure wash here can help" the sangheili smirked knowing full well that the spartan hated being dragged away from something that held his focus.

Wash threw cova an annoyed glance before getting up "so what can I help with?" He asked, caboose shuffled unsure how to answer the other "uhhh well my heads been hurting lately " he explained, "uh caboose that's a headache lots of people get them all the time " wash said, "oh so you get flashy images too?!" That had wash's attention, "images what images?!" He exclaimed.

"Well I feel like I've been on this ship before but not this ship" he said, it sounded more like a riddle then an answer. "Come with me I think I know who can help" wash said.

Awhile back wash went through the files of every member of this frigate out of boredom and someone of interest made him curious could caboose be...him?

Dr. Halsey was a woman proud of her Spartans and she unfortunately did have mistakes with a few, one of these was a spartan named Michael, he was a leader that loved his team. Him and along with cal the two were near unstoppable. But after zeus went insane Michael was never the same after, she hoped sending him away would in time bring back his memory but from what cal has reported he hasn't improved.

"I'm sorry for intruding Dr. But I have someone here I think you can help" she turned to find six with a blue spartan he was taller then the III "and this is?" She asked inquiring for him to introduce the other "hello I'm caboose " caboose waved.

"I see then I'll what I can do " she said as she realized who he was.

Spartan 127 came home to them but not as a whole.

Meanwhile wash left the two be, as he made his way he walked into a somewhat familiar lab there on the circular table was the alpha. "Hey man" the A.I greeted, "hey yourself" wash said, with a smile spreading gently across his face "how are you doing?" He asked the A.I stopped what he was doing, from the cross seated position he turned around to the spartan and smiled. "Better... the fragments have been telling me about the others" he stated, "the fragments?" Wash questioned obviously confused.

"Yeah I guess they've been gone from me for so long thier kinda their own thing heheh Epsilons been annoying the others " the A.I chortled, "how so?" The spartan asked, "hehehehe he's been non stop showing me everything about you " alpha laughed, wash could only guess Epsilon was hellbent on getting the alpha paired with him. Shaking his head in amusement he chuckled "so hows the search anyway?" He then asked, the A.I "eh so far so good...and if your going to ask who's in the lead its between you and north" alpha said.

"Huh why not York?" He asked, the A.I shrugged his shoulders "when it comes your carriers it's best to be paired with an opposite, yorks funny, charming and a bit of an asshole but so am I" he explained to the spartan, "so you need someone who's a bit of a buzzkill?" Wash said, it caused the A.I to giggle "that and someone who's patient and kind enough put up with me" church said to wash, the spartan smirked "ahhh I see" as wash stood up "well take your time your in no hurry" he said, as wash left the room the alpha sat there smiling.

" I think I already made my choice. "

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