Its Only Downhill From Here Now

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It was dark as the two walked down the halls, the eerie silence put both on edge.

"Well isn't this something you find in a fucking horror movie " church said with the upmost sarcasm, both wash and Carolina knew he was trying to lighten the mood.

But it was quickly forgotten, as a soft echo reached and bounced off the walls.

"Okay fuck this" church said, as he disappeared into wash's armor. All that accomplished was a mear chuckle from him, however Carolina on the other hand recognized the echo.

/" Ready?"/

And it only saddened her, wash glanced up at her and gave her a soft nod, reminding her she wasn't alone.

/beginning play back/ fillies said, as a video played.

/"Leonard come on stop it put that thing down, your gonna make me late their waiting for me."/

Wash allowed Carolina to walk in first. She quietly walked over to the left and waited till he walked in, the sound of the metal grates under them would make a soft *clang* as the moved.

"Hello director."

"Hello agent Carolina would you like to watch this file with me?" He asked her, she shook her head "no" she blantenly said, the man then turned his attention to the screen.

"Play it again fillies " he said, the program seemly confused asked, /director?/ "again!" He ordered, lightly pounding a fist to the chair.

"So this is what you've become?" the cyan armored woman asked, he lowered his head and shook it "I think I have a way, a way to bring her back right this time" he said desperately, Carolina shifted slightly.

"The authorities are hunting for you now, if I found you they will too" she said, but her words seem to be ignored by the older man.

"Just a bit more time" he begged, wash felt something within his suit tremor. He knew it was church and that the A.I was pissed, he did have a right to be.

"No!" Church then yelled, as he appeared in front of the spartan and moved quickly twords the director. "You had your fucking time!" He growled, "you have to answer for what you did! To the meta, to Washington, to Carolina, to me, AND to her to TEXAS!" He continued, the A.I clenched his fists tightly and shook with rage.

"Hello alpha, you came all this way just to see me?" The director chortled, "I'm here to remember what you've done, somebody has too" he replied.

"Church" Carolina spoke in a low soft tone, as she made her way up the front.

And wash who stayed behind and watched on, while remaining silent.

"Not all of us got off Scot free Carolina" church said, "he was brilliant and we trusted him, but he lies to us he twisted and tortured us and used us, manipulated us for his own purposes and for what! For this.. is. is shadow.. dow. ow? He needs to pay" the A.I finished.

What was once a tense atmosphere now seemed to calm down, Carolina then removed her helmet revealing her face.

At first she glared at him with hatred in her eyes, but was soon softened once he looked up at her with the same pleading eyes, she inherited.

/"And dont worry, you'll see me again."/

Carolina's shoulders then slumped as she exhaled, she lent over and kissed him on the forehead.

"Just a bit more time" he murmured, she then moved towards the back leaving the room altogether.

"Agent Washington" the director then acknowledged, the spartan straightened up and walk forward.

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