Life After Death.

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They had just made love, after a long time. Frida was falling asleep on his chest but she wasn't quite, he was caressing her arm and staring at the ceiling, he was thinking. Overthinking. He was thinking a lot to what the lady told him on the plane, she was waiting to die to meet the eternal love of her life, but was that really possible? So, this is where her concern comes in: would Mona be aware of what was happening on earth?

It made him very anxious to think about those things, but it was inevitable, now he had Frida in his arms, but what will happen when he dies? Would he be held accountable? Sometimes he didn't even know what foot he was standing on, he imagined his older life a little calmer, without so many questions, without so much remorse, but it was inevitable.

"You cheated on me, you lied to me, you didn't wait for me," Mona shouted at him who had a black dress, the place was dark and it didn't look like heaven at all.

"Mona, I can explain it to you. I never lied to you," he replied desperately, the anguish showing on his face.

"I don't want any more lies, now we will be forever in hell... you never stopped loving her and I risked my eternity to be with you, but you lied to me," she kept insisting as she cried and collapsed on the ground.

"I didn't lie to you, please forgive me... I loved you," he kept insisting.

"You loved her more. Now she is in heaven with her husband, while we will be in hell for eternity."

Benny kept babbling and saying incoherent, "no, in hell no," he said desperately as he rocked on the bed, which made Frida wake up immediately, she frowned but didn't know how to wake him up without disturbing him more.

"Benny," she touched his shoulder slowly, "Benny, wake up!" Benny opened his eyes but he was still confused, he didn't assimilate where or with whom he was, not yet. He closed his eyes again and gasped, then felt Frida caress his chest. "You were having a nightmare," she whispered, so her voice wouldn't bother in the middle of the night. Benny ran his hand over his face to finish assimilating what had happened, then remembered that he was in Switzerland.

"Yes, it was a nightmare. Don't worry anymore," he told her and took his hand off her shoulder, Frida understood that maybe he didn't want to hug her anymore, that's why she lay down on her side of the bed and wrapped herself in the blanket, they were still naked but she didn't she pretended to get up to put on her pajamas.

Frida closed her eyes again, she was quite sleepy and wanted to rest, so it didn't take her another minute to fall asleep, unlike Benny, who could no longer sleep. That dream, what did it mean? everything was so strange, of course he had to believe in eternity, in life after death, in heaven and hell; He believed it because he lived it just a year ago with Angela, an angel that no one remembered anymore, only him, Frida and Paula.

They believed that Angela was a manifestation of Lotta, she had always been the closest to Benny and Frida of their four children, she went with them wherever she wanted, she used to sleep with them, she was very emotionally attached to Benny and she was gone, for what they understood the reason that she after death decided to unite them again. From there, Benny understood that there was life, but did that also apply to Mona?

He felt guilty because she was probably judging and watching him at that moment, he didn't know how to apologize, he didn't know if she would listen to him, he didn't know if she was angry, but he didn't like the dream at all.

The next day, Frida had already gotten up, 5 minutes ago an order had arrived that she made to a store with Christmas things, she wanted to decorate her apartment at least to feel more the joy of the season, despite the downs that they could have lived all year. The boxes were in the living room, still sealed and one on top of the other, she was checking the invoice to make sure that everything she had asked for was there.

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