A New Year.

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It was 6:30 a.m. When Frida began to wake up, the first rays of the morning sun were already penetrating the room because the night before they had slept with everything open, including that they were still naked and everything intact. "The candles," she thought and immediately remembered that they had not been extinguished, so she stood up abruptly and poked her head but they were all magically extinguished.

Frida frowned and fell back into Benny's arms who was still asleep, and snoring. It must have been him, even though the curtains were open, the doors were closed, and the air conditioning was on. She took a deep breath and held him tighter towards her, she felt that everything would be fine this new year, or so she hoped. She was very concerned about the health issue and although had started with vaccination, it would still be a long road.

She covered herself with the sheet and took her cell phone, last night she had fallen asleep at around 8:00 p.m. after making love, so it was very early and she was no longer sleepy. While checking her notifications she heard a murmur on the deck and frowned, it was as if there was someone but they were supposed to be alone, she sat on the bed and looked forward, she saw that the water was creating waves as if someone was splashing. She looked at Benny and noticed that he was sound asleep, she thought about waking him up but she wasn't sure, so she grabbed her bathrobe that was next to the bed and covered herself with it.

Frida carried her cell phone just in case, she walked slowly and curiously and saw the silhouette of someone sitting with the back to her but facing the ocean while moving the legs, her heart rate began to accelerate but she had to go see who it was. She opened the window and when she saw there was no one in the chair but she saw another shadow quickly cross by her side, still without differentiating who it was, although she was already convinced that it was a girl.

"Be happy," she heard perfectly the whisper in her ear but she turned and there was no one, that masculine voice she knew better and immediately two tears fell from her eyes. She looked forward again and to the side of the pool, holding on to the wall and about to enter a narrow path towards the ocean, the girl was seen smiling as always, her long reddish hair still, green eyes and tender gaze, while waved saying goodbye.

"Goodbye mom," the echo of her voice attacked her ears, "I love you..." Frida tried to get closer but the girl ran towards a hand that Frida could not see or face or body, but which was there. Once she looked up the stairs to go down to the lagoon, there was no one there, there was only the woolen stocking that she had kept from her baby for so long, she couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears, it was complicated because it was a mixture of feelings that she didn't know how to describe. She sat on the wooden floor while crying, it was too much for her.

Benny who had woken up not feeling the human warmth next to him went out to the deck to find her crying, he was quite alarmed of course and ran towards her. "Love, what do you have?" He knelt holding her hands, Frida didn't know what to say, she couldn't either, so she just chose to hug him while she cried. Benny was very puzzled, he died because she told him what was happening and thus the anguish was removed but Frida was still unable to speak.

He helped her up and they both sat on the table, Benny noticed the stockings in her hand and frowned, "why are you crying?" He asked subtly and caressing her face.

"I saw her," she could finally say, with a lot of work but she did, two more tears fell to what he did not hesitate to wipe. "I think she had them," referring to the stockings, she opened her hands and showed them to him. "It was there, right where she left." Benny also felt how everything inside him broke, to begin with that the energy between the two of them was so great that they had that angel watching over them, watching over their relationship.

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