A Home For Christmas.

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Benny was in Arlanda-Airport, VIP lounge. He had just been tested for COVID-19 and it was negative, so at least that was a relief. Distance, silence and the smell of alcohol and hand sanitizer was what predominated in the room, in addition, it was almost empty; people were not traveling much at the time, adding that total lockdown was about to be pronounced.

He was wearing a mask and on top of that he had antibacterial spray in his pocket, for Frida it was important that he take care of himself, and for him it was important to take care of her, so he decided to do it. He was waiting for the call for his flight that would be leaving in about an hour, but they had to make the disinfection process even longer.

Benny was a little nervous, his visit to Switzerland was a surprise, so Frida didn't know it, and now that she had moved to Genolier, closer to the airport, it was a great advantage. "Passengers of flight LX 1254 please get on board," Benny looked at his ticket, that was his flight. He got up from his seat and walked to the plane, as he was a preferred traveler, everything was easier and faster, and the flight was practically empty.

Some seats were marked by an X, that meant that it couldn't be used, they had decided to do it that way, unless they didn't travel together, to avoid that people who did not know each other were together and take care of everyone's health. Benny sat in his seat, he had chosen the window to have a good view, he was a little nervous but he was dying to get there and see Frida, he could no longer hide how much he missed her.

Frida was at home, she had woken up recently, she didn't know how it happened but she must have been tired, tired of the same thing, perhaps. Another day, new things? She no longer had much hope of anything, suddenly, what she had solved or thought she had under control for so many years, was consuming her again. It was time to get up and do her things, she wanted to go to the clinic at least to the garden, even their restaurant was closed, she didn't have an appointment for that day but she always liked going, although she had to reduce visits as much as she could because of COVID.

She had the feeling that something would happen, it was not bad, despite everything, she woke up motivated, as she had much that she didn't feel. She decided to get ready early, even opting for some lip gloss, so as not to just use chapstick as usual.

It was only half an hour before landing in Switzerland, Benny was very anxious, it seemed that the flight had lasted longer than normal but there he was. On his left side there was a lady, old like him, who was reading a Christmas story, a children's story, so it seemed quite curious to him. "Excuse me, what attracts you the most about the book?" he asked putting the mask on his chin.

The lady looked away from the book she was holding and brought it to the voice that spoke to her, "It's... It's magical," she replied.

"Do you believe in magic?" Benny dared to ask, it was in his interest to know, especially when he himself had experienced something similar, including the book he was writing.

"After five grandchildren, I have had to believe," the lady smiled. "Also, after my husband passed away, so much has happened to me that it is impossible not to believe. Do you believe?"

"I have the same opinion as you," he wanted to answer as quickly as possible.

"Why are you traveling this year? I mean, there are just a few of us on this plane, and it is clear that the pandemic has prohibited a lot this year," the lady, like Benny, was also very curious, and didn't think it was too much to ask.

"I'm going to spend Christmas with the love of my life," he immediately smiled, said that and put the mask on again, remembering that Frida would go crazy if she saw him using the mask incorrectly. "Why do you travel alone and on holidays?"

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