First Year // Chapter 9

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It was the day everyone was getting back from break and I had begged Hagrid to take me to the station to see my friends. Luckily Hagrid had a soft spot for me and he agreed. 

I scanned the crowd looking for my friends when I saw his eyes, those green, hazel, and blue eyes. I smiled brightly and jumped off the small ledge I was on and sprinted over to Neville. 



We ran towards each other and locked each other in a hug so tight it was almost suffocating. Even though the break was short it was obvious we missed each other.

"I've missed you!" Neville said while we released each other. "Like more than you can imagine!"

"Same here, Nev. Same here!" I grabbed his hand and we headed off towards the carriages that take us back to the castle. Along the way, we found Seamus and Dean and had a conversation with them. 

"The thing you are most looking forward to this term. Go!" I said pointing to Seamus.

"Charms!" Seamus yelled as he pointed Dean.

"DADA!" Dean shouted as he pointed to Neville. 

"Uh - Uh - Spending time with my friends?" Neville said cautiously. 

"That's, something we can all look forward to." I patted his knee and looked over at Seamus and Dean. "I am totally looking forward to spending time with all of you."

"Really?" Dean said sounding shocked. 

"Of course! Who wouldn't?" I asked. It took a moment but we all burst into a laughing fit as we pulled up in front of the castle. We all climbed out of the carriage and walked up to the doors.

"Well boys, here's to a wonderous new term," I said as we linked hands and walked into the castle. Our friendship had just begun.


We were now a few months into the new term and it was going fairly well. I was slowly working my way up to the top of my class with Hermione. 

Today we were sitting in the Great Hall working on some review while Ron was opening some Chocolate Frogs. 

"Ron, you've got to study!" I urged my twin. "If you flunk during our first year, Mum will go nuts!" I shoved his Potions book closer to him. 

"I don't need to study! Ask me anything." He said setting his chocolate frogs. I sighed and looked over at Hermione. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to help me quiz Ron.

"What are the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?" She asked. Ron's eyebrows furrowed as he gave us both a look of semi-hatred. 

"I forgot." He muttered. I sighed.

"Really Ron? You forgot ingredients to the Forgetfulness Potion, real clever." I said sarcastically. Hermione followed up with another question.

"And what, may I ask, do you plan on doing should this be a question on our final exams?" 

"Copy of one of you two," Ron said.

"No, you won't!" Hermione and I spoke sternly in unison. 

"Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given quills charmed with an anti-cheating spell," Hermione added pointedly. I snickered as Ron threw a fit.

"That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us!" He ripped open another package of Chocolate Frogs and threw it back down. "Dumbledore again!" I laughed at him while from behind I heard what sounded like two people arguing. I turned to see Neville hopping in, with Dean right on his heels. 

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now