Third Year // Chapter 5

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We left Divination and I sadly left my best friends to walk with Harry, Ron, and Hermione because ... well Seamus wasn't wrong. Along the way to Hagrid's for Care of Magical Creatures, Hermione began to speak.

"Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination's a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That's a fascinating subject." 

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron questioned. I shared a glance with Hermione while we both held back a laugh as she responded. 

"A fair few." I saw Ron cock his head as he looked at Hermione.

"Hang on, Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once!" He said. Hermione scoffed and replied sassily.

"Don't be silly, Ronald. How could anyone be in two classes at once?" We walked for a few more minutes until she began to mock Trelawney. "BrOdEn YoUr MiNdS! Open you InNeR EyEs to SeE the FutUrE!" 

"Hermione!" I lightly shoved her as well walked down the rocky hill to Hagrid's hut. I noticed Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle standing with some other Slytherins. I sighed as Hagrid clapped his hands and ushered for us to get closer.

"C'mon now, get a move on! Got a real treat for yeh. Great lesson comin' up. Follow me." We all followed him into a clearing. "Gather 'round. Find yerself a spot. That's it. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books ter page ninety-one."

"And exactly how do we do that?" Draco spat from his spot. I rolled my eyes as Hagrid turned to him.

"You stroke the spine, of course!" He walked off to get a creature while all of us began to open our books. Standing next to Hermione I heard laughing and yelling coming from behind and saw Neville getting attacked by his book.

"Neville!" I rushed over and helped him wrangle the book. Dean and Seamus who were right behind him also helped as I grabbed the book and began to stroke the spine. Once the book was calmed down I went over to join Hermione once more as Draco scoffed.

"God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got the oaf teaching classes." I glared at him, while Harry stepped forward.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy!" Harry and Draco had a mini staring match while I made a move to walk forward.

"Don't even think about it, Lori." Ron muttered while he grabbed my shoulder. "You'll spoil a good fight." I sighed and shook his hand off my arm and went up beside Harry. Just as I got to Harry, Draco's face went wide and he extended his hand out pointing behind us.

"Dementor! Dementor!" 

All of us twirled around in fear. Once we didn't see any Dementors, we turned back to see Malfoy and his goons with their hoods over their head. Oooohing whilst wiggling their fingers. I glared and growled at him while pulling Harry back over to Ron and Hermione. 

I saw Neville out of the corner of my eye, his robes ripped to bits. Dean and Seamus holding what looked like to be what remained of his bag. 

"You're supposed to stroke it, Neville." Ron sighed. Neville nodded in reply. I rubbed Neville's shoulder as Hagrid did a little fanfare with his voice. Emerging out of the trees was Hagrid with one of his creatures.

"What is that?" Neville said in awe. I leaned over. 

"It's a Hippogriff, dear Nevy," I said as Hagrid spoke to Ron, who apparently asked the same question. 

"Now, the firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't ever insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then -- who wants ter come an' say hello?"

I take a step forward while everyone else takes a step back except for Harry and Neville. Neville ducked down behind a rock, while Harry just stood stationary as everyone stepped back.

"Good on ya' Harry, Lori!"

Hagrid led us through the procedure to get close to the Hippogriff, whose name was Buckbeak. Harry went first which was great, being he was more nervous than I was. Once Harry got Buckbeak to like him, it was my turn. I followed Hagrids instructions and was able to pat Buckbeaks feathers within seconds. 

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'im!"

"Excuse me??" Harry said as Hagrid picked him up off the ground and placed him on Buckbeak's back. I walked over and Hagrid helped me up behind Harry. Once he did, Hagrid patted Buckbeaks rear end.

"Off yeh go!"

We galloped off through the clearing and took off into the sky. I tightly hugged Harry as we lifted off the ground. Once we were flying I admired the beautiful ground we know as Hogwarts. We have never seen the grounds from high up. I mean we can go up to the Astronomy Tower but even then we only get to see one side of the grounds. 

"WOOHOO!" Harry yelled as we flew down by the water. I leaned over and ran my hand through the water. I about fell over but Harry wrapped his hand back and kept me from falling in. 

"Ron will kill me if I let you fall into the lake!" He shouted. I nodded and laughed.

"He definitely would!" 

Buckbeak flew upwards once more before going down to land back in the clearing. Once his hoofs touched the ground we galloped back over to the class. Everyone was clapping and cheering for us, while Hagrid lifted harry off Buckbeaks back.

"Give me a go at that thing," Draco called while walking over. "If Potter and Weasley can do it, it must be easy. Yeah, you're not that dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute --" 

I was still on Buckbeaks back, quickly stroked his feathers trying to keep him calm. However, Draco kept advancing against Hagrid's warnings. Buckbeak backed up and started striking his hoofs in the air hitting Draco in the arm. I tried to hold on while Hagrid was trying to calm him down. Sadly, I got thrown off his back and landed a few feet away. 

Everything after that was only darkness. 

~*Neville's POV*~

"LORI!" I raced over to her and knelt down beside her. Dean and Seamus, we close behind me. I flipped her over and saw she was bleeding on the side of her face. I am not at all strong, like zero strength. 

However, something took over my body, and I picker her up in my arms and carried her off the Hospital wing while Hagrid carried Malfoy. Along the way, he commented.

"Yeh know, yeh two would make a cute couple, one day." I blushed and nodded.

"I can only wish," I replied as he walked through the Hospital wing doors and laid her on the bed. Before I left to go get Dean and Seamus, I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"You'll be okay, Lori. Through all the pain you might have ... I'll be right there."

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now