Summer 1995 // Chapter 7

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*This Chapter will contain one letter from each of the following characters: Lorrinda, Neville, Seamus, and Dean.)

Dear Lori,

Hope your summer holiday is going better than mine is. I think I've finally got the confidence to talk to Dean about my feelings. Anyway, write when you can.



Dear Lori,


I doubt you'll write back (seeing as this is the fifth letter I've sent, and yet still no reply). However, I can't say I blame you. I hope you are doing okay, I couldn't imagine having my significant other die the way Diggory did ... I'm truly sorry, Lori.



Dear Lori,

I MISS YOU SO BLOODY MUCH!!! (I open with that a lot). However, this time it's more powerful, seeing as it's August 30th, and you still haven't written back. I know this is probably a given, but ... Lori, I'm worried about you. 

I wish I could've just appeared at your house and give you big hug. Since I couldn't, warning in advance I will be attacking you on the platform.

Sending you lots of love!



Dear Nevy,

Sorry, I haven't been at the Burrow for about a month now (I can't tell you where). Just know, I miss you too! I can't send a long letter (I can't go into any detail). See you in a few days, I'll be needing that hug.


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