Hannibal had finished cooking the pancakes, we had eaten them together and it was all casual, in general. Now, me and Hannibal were driving to the FBIHQ. He had his classical music playing in the background and I hummed to it. When we arrived, I saw Freddie Lounds leaning on her black car while scrolling through recent photos on her new camera. I lock eyes with her and I slam my door shut.
"Morning, Grace" she smiled to me. I scoffed at her.
"I see you got a new camera" I said, reminding her of me smashing her camera to smithereens.

"I did indeed, its better than my last camera, thank you for noticing"

"How's Abigail?"

"She's doing good. She's having bad nightmares about her father though, who can blame her, the poor girl. Being orphaned so young"

"Why do I feel like you're trying to aim it at me?"

"Because I am, you see, she doesn't get anything from her dead parents. Everything that was left to her, is now being given away to her fathers victims family's"

"Where is she staying?"

"In a care home, not like you care. You haven't gone to talk to her for her entire time there"

"I wanted to go see her, I think about her everyday. I'm protecting her"

"You're just scared"

"Of Abigail?"

"Of you."

Hannibal spooked me by putting his hands on my shoulder.
"Miss Lounds, me and Grace must be leaving now" he exclaimed. Freddie smiled at us both and she looked back at her camera, that I still wanted to smash dearly. Hannibal guided me to the FBI Academy building and we walked to Jack's office. I politely knocked and Jack shouted
"Come in!"
Me and Hannibal walked in and saw he had his desk covered in photos and files of a new murder that's occurred.
"Bad time?" I asked. Jack shook his head and leaned back on his office chair.
"Take a seat, both of you." Jack offered. I sat down but Hannibal stayed stood up.
"Uh, I don't know how to really say this. I'm still processing it now but uhh-" Hannibal cut me off suddenly.
"Grace can't be apart of the FBI no more. The stress it has given her is now getting serious-" I talked over Hannibal.
"No, that's not why we're here!" I shouted.
"Grace, look at what everything's happened to you. Jack you must support my side of the argument here. Grace is too unwell to be apart of the FBI-"
"UNWELL!" I was shocked at what Hannibal even dared to say right now.
"Will is also being considered to being told to stay off the field, as well Grace. Maybe you could help him in his class-" I cut off Jack.
"You're really siding with Hannibal? Fuck the two of you" I stood up and tried to walk away but Hannibal stopped me.
"Get your hands off me" I whisper to Hannibal, sternly. He didn't let me go.
"Dr Lecter.. let her go" Jack said. Hannibal hesitantly let me go and I walked past him, making sure I hit his shoulder. I couldn't even tell Jack what we were really there for, which built onto my rage even more. I hoped to find Will in his classroom, where he was. I quietly walked in, In case he has a class, which he did. He was talking about a case I was unfamiliar with. He showed a photo of the victim and their neck had been slit and their stomach was carved on, it spelt out
And it was poorly carved.
"The man had previously been charged with rape charges, he was put on probation and ONLY probation. A lot of Baltimore citizens did riots and some even destroyed windows in his house. This meant we had more people of interest instead of thinking it could've been the girl he raped, for revenge." Will exclaimed, he used a lot of the space and used his hands while talking. I found this very educational and I leaned on the wall while listening to him.
"When we took the body to analyse, we noticed his genitalia had been removed and later found they had stuffed his genitalia into his mouth. They also collected maggots to put into his mouth, this was a murder, crafted by revenge but the girl he raped, was taken to court and was pleaded innocent because of what evidence. Anyone?"

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now