Chapter 18

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skeppy crouched down behind the chair bad was sitting on and unlocked the handcuffs. "sorry about him, he's been going through a lot recently, and the death of a child angered him. my name's skeppy. i guess i'll be taking care of you for a while. also don't listen to what dream said, i'm sure your friend is still out there alive. we'll find him."

bad smiled.

"thank you skeppy. i really needed to hear that. oh and my name is bad."

"well nice to formally meet you bad. i'll help you find your friend."

bad's eyes were already glistening with tears. the thought of this stranger offering to help him find his friend hit a spot in his heart. he had told himself and karl that there were no more good people left in the world, that only the corrupted were left alive.

he was wrong.

"here follow me to my room. i wouldn't want you to sleep in one of the spare rooms. those rooms are for hostages, believe me, they're horrible. i would know from personal experience." skeppy stood up and signaled for the male to follow him.

as they walked to skeppy's room, a comfortable silence filled the atmosphere. the second in command would randomly point out what certain rooms they passed by were.

once they arrived to his room, skeppy grabbed a pair of extra clothes from his closet and shoved bad toward the bathroom that was able to function properly due to the insane amount of back-up generators in their base, and not to mention that mostly everything was solar powered.

"take a quick shower to get all that dirt off of you. don't take too long though, dream doesn't like it when we use a lot of water. he doesn't like it in general, but then again he doesn't like anything. i'll be checking on some of the units so if you don't see me, that's why."

bad thanked skeppy and closed the bathroom door. he glanced around the room in a daze. 

he had already been shocked by how well kept and good the base's condition was in. there was electricity which kept them conditioned and comfortable. kept them sane from the outside world.

with a sniff at himself, bad gagged. how had skeppy and dream been able to handle the way he smelled?

he stripped out of his sticky, old, smelly clothes then jumped into the shower. he sighed when the warm water came in contact with his skin. he let the feeling of the water soothe his aching body before he started to scrub shampoo onto his hair and body. he watched the dirt and all the icky substances that once coated his body go down the drain. bad almost passed out from the heavenly smell of the soap.

the last time he had smelled something so pleasing was right before he got separated from karl. he never knew how karl had managed to always smell like a flower throughout their months of running around in the infected world.

he finally remembered the warning skeppy gave him about dream not liking when water was wasted, so he quickly got out the shower and wrapped the towel that was hanging on the shower door around his waist.

bad swiftly dried himself off. he put on the clothes that skeppy had shoved into his arms. with a sigh of relief, bad looked himself in the mirror and mumbled a quick prayer to insure karl's safety.

he didn't find it fair that he got to go through this sort of luxurious care while his friend roamed the streets. he didn't find it fair that karl had gone through so much more shit than him, yet here he was falling head over heels for some boy he barely met.

elsa would be disappointed.


published: november 30, 2020

hi! i'm sorry for not updating in over a week. i wanted to rest during thanksgiving break. i'll be going back to every other day updates. 

not sure if i've mentioned this, but i absolutely love royal aus. i've had one in the works for a while now and i'll most likely publish it as soon as this ends :]

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