Chapter 17

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'crap where did karl go?!' bad thought to himself as he ran around the dark alleys looking for his friend. 

when he had been running with karl earlier, he thought the two were close, but after ten minutes of running, bad took a break and turned around to help karl, but he was nowhere in sight. he immediately remembered karl's fear of the dark and regretted not grabbing his hand.

"leave it up to me to mess things up." bad scolded himself.

his adrenaline was running out, however his determination to find karl took over. he started his search for his friend. unfortunately while searching for karl, he heard the groans of walkers coming from around the corner.

he cursed them out. bad looked around for a place to hide. he spotted a door to a building across the street and ran towards it. luckily it was unlocked. he opened it quickly then slammed it shut.

bad was very out of breath, but when he heard someone say "don't move" from behind him and felt something cold against his head, he stopped breathing. his face drained of color and his heart dropped to his stomach. his heart was pounding like crazy and seemed to quicken when he heard the click of a gun.

"don't hurt me! i come in peace!" he yelled, holding his hands above his head.

with that gesture, the person behind him managed to cuff his hands. "make any attempt to either hurt me or escape, then there will be fatal consequences."

bad shook his head in agreement. the person grabbed bad and threw him over their shoulder.

"our leader is going to be mad since you intruded our base." he heard the person say.

'not my fault you left the door unlocked' he thought.

the man slumped him down onto a chair that was facing a wall. he tied a blindfold around bad's eyes so that he wouldn't be able to see, then had his wrists cuffed to the cold metal chair.

"you're a cute one. i'll make sure to tell my leader to go soft on you. wouldn't want him to hurt that pretty face of yours." bad heard the male say before hearing his footsteps disappear with an echo. the echo is what confirmed bad's theory about the room being empty.

he sat there for a few minutes until he was able to pick up the sound of two people talking. his heart rate increased. the amount of trouble he was about to go through because of his careless mistake that involved losing his friend.

what an idiot.

"he's in here dream."

bad recognized the voice. it was the same person who had cuffed him to the chair. bad sat there frozen, not daring to move a muscle.

dream stepped closer to the frightened boy and glared at him. "who do you think you are barging into my base unaccounted for?! you better have a good explanation because i won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head unlike my second in command here."

skeppy looked down at his shoes with a slight hint of blush coating his cheeks, embarrassed by the sudden call out. dream ripped off the blindfold since bad remained silent.

"i asked you a fucking question! now answer it!" he exclaimed, punching bad in the chest since skeppy told him not to hurt his face.

bad groaned at the sudden contact of dream's fist. he gazed up at dream with pleading eyes.

"i'm sorry! i was searching for my friend because we got separated while running from walkers!"

dream punched him again with more force. skeppy flinched and looked away, not being able to keep his attention on dream hurting bad. sure he had just met the boy under some bad circumstances, but he was already head over heels for him.

"i didn't ask you for a life story! i asked you a simple question which you failed to answer! now fucking tell me. why did you barge into my base?!" dream shouted, making both bad and skeppy shrink in fear.

bad cleared his throat and stared into dream's cold menacing eyes which were burning with fury. "i heard walkers near me so i saw a door and went inside not knowing that it would lead me to your so called base. i swear i didn't expect to find anyone here. besides, if you didn't want anyone to come in, you should've locked the door. i just want to continue on my search for my friend since he's afraid of being alone out there." bad explained.

"your friend is most likely dead. his whereabouts do not concern me." dream turned to skeppy who had been staring at the boy in the chair. "take him to a spare room or have him stay in your quarters for the night. no point in allowing him to escape knowing it'll just attract more walkers. i'll interrogate him tomorrow morning. who knows if he's one of schlatt's men. i'll be in my office if you need me." with that being said, dream walked out the room and took off towards his office to get some of the complaints taken care of.


published: november 22, 2020

sorry for not updating. you'd think that since i'm on break there'd be more updates (i'm lazy) 

anyways. dream 13 mil!! wooooooooooo!

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