Chapter 12: Return from the Internship & Accelerated Learning?

Start from the beginning

"We have one more item to discuss that is also related to your exams," stated Tear. "Indeed, by agreement of the staff of A-UA and the HEARTS agency, it has been decided that your education will be accelerated moving forward," stated Principal Victor. We all asked what he meant by that and the answer shocked us. "We mean that moving forward you all will be placed in a separate class from 1-A & 1-B. This class will be called 1-V (Vanguard) and will aim to have you all graduate with your full hero license by the end of your second year. Students that petition for the full hero exam still have to attend school for training and general education. However, you would not be if you pass all exams and obtained your hero license via the accelerated program we want to put you in. This means that you would be training and studying nearly 24/7. We would have workout routines that you would need to stick to our surpass and your free time would be limited. You would be expected to stay hours after normal school to stay ahead of your studies and training. Our goal is to have you learn 2 and a half years of education in 1 and a half years but sooner if you all could pull it off. You would also be performing a work-study during this time which would limit your freedom even more. Do you understand what we are offering and the demands we are expecting if you accept this?" stated Victor with a strict tone. 

Izuku pov:

They just offered us to graduate early if we can handle their accelerated program. This was shocking to me and the entire vanguard. I had asked them for some privacy so the Vanguard and I could talk about the offer. They accepted and said they would be back in 10 minutes. Once they left I looked at my team and asked what they thought. Everyone was silent for a few moments. Then Lucas spoke up. "I think we should agree. We were planning to go Plus Ultra anyway and aim for the full hero exam in our second year anyway. This way we could graduate fully and go full time sooner than planned. We all live together so we could sync our lives to fit the demands they would be giving us. We also have Little sun's home where we can work out and relax so we don't have to really go anyway to enjoy ourselves since the house has all the entertainment we really need." said Lucas. Everyone started to agree with that viewpoint. Sophia then started talking as well. "We all agreed to help Izuku handle the burden of the legacy anyway. This would just get us prepared faster as well since we don't know when the monster would strike." This made everyone tensed. That had been the reason they were pushing themselves. Indeed they all wanted to be heroes to save people and didn't really care for fame or money since their families already had that. Instead, they wanted to support me in upholding peace and ending the 200-year-old war with the monster. "If you guys are willing to walk down this path with me. I will be glad to have you. Once we start this, there is no backing out. We will be running straight into the jaws of death. The monster we will be hunting at the end is far stronger than Reaper was." I stated. Everyone turned to look at me and just told me they would always be with me for they are the Vanguard of the Paragon. This made me so happy. Soon the Victor, Tear, and Robin entered the room and asked for our decision. "We will do it. We already had plans to petition for the full hero exam in our second year anyway. As such, this will just speed everything up. We all live together at my house so we can sync our lives up easier to meet the demands of the school staff and our work-studies needs." Izuku said with a firm voice. 

"Excellent, then we have talked about all of the things we need to. Once you have packed we will be returning to the school. We have a hero with a teleporter quirk who will make the trip quicker for us so that we can start talking about all the details of the planning and training that will need to happen. We plan for you all to take the provisional exam at the end of next week. As such, we need to get started on all the paperwork and inform your families. Also, your families are waiting at the school for our return so once you have everything packed please meet back in this room." stated Victor while dismissing us. 

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