Chapter 4: That is so not N.I.C.E

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"Hugs and KISSES?" said Gemini, staring at his computer. "Pepe, any man in prison who has his E-Mail signature set to 'hugs and kisses' is not a man who has his head on straight. Also, what type of man TYPES out a maniacal laugh? Especially with five exclamation points!"

Pepe, being a dog, just barked.

"True, True." said Gemini. "It is not his sanity we need, but his mad genius in order to bring down… dare I say it?"

Pepe yapped in confusion.

"All right, I'll dare!" said Gemini. "To bring down… GLOBAL JUSTICE!"

Gemini laughed maniacally, as Pepe went into a frenzy of barking and snapping.

XXX About a month after chapter three XXX

Kim Possible, firmly in her third trimester of pregnancy, opened the door to Shego's apartment. Shego was busy setting up a series of small mirrors, motorized stands, and metal boxes in the middle of the living room, the largest room in the apartment. The TV and oversized couch had both been moved to the sides of the room. "Hi, pumpkin" said Shego, where she was consulting a manual and adjusting one of the mirrors.

"Hi, Shego…" said Kim. "What's with all this… stuff?"

Shego stood up. "Oh, this? A Germany company is asking me to evaluate this system, to see if it's worth installing in their own building."

Shego clapped her hands. A grid of blue laser beams suddenly filled the center of the room, bouncing from one box to another through a series of mirrors. The complex armatures came to life next, so that the grid begin to move and twists, almost as if it was organic. Kim and Shego stood on opposite sides of the grid, neither woman inside it.

"It's a sensor system" said Shego, studying the moving laser beams carefully. "Break one, and it sets off an alarm. This demo model is rigged to a 'Clapper' for easy resetting."

"And the moving makes it so you just can't walk around them, right?" said Kim. "No big, I've seen worse."

"Not like this." said Shego. She stuck her hand inside the grid of lights, watching as the lasers moved. When one started to approach her hand, Shego lifted her hand quickly… and an alarm klaxon began to sound.

Kim jerked, startled. Shego smiled. "Motion sensor mixed in, Kimmy." said Shego. "You move too fast, and it'll trigger.". Shego clapped her hands again, and the alarm stopped. The laser grid continued to flex and shift.

"So, just move at the speed of the armatures." said Kim.

"Right." said Shego. "But the armatures only have to DEFLECT a laser beam, not wriggle through them. An arm moves a quarter of an inch, the beam can suddenly be shooting out at a different direction. "

Kim frowned. "So, a defense the Great Shego can't defeat?"

"I didn't say that." Shego said. "But it is… challenging."

Shego stepped inside the grid, moving with the sureness of a cobra but at the pace of a sloth. Her facial expression was calm and serene, but Kim could feel the intense concentration Shego was applying. Shego's body arched, flexed, and twisted in a slow motion ballet that Kim found at once hauntingly beautiful and erotic as the athletic woman's body moved beneath the thin green and black jumpsuit she wore.

It took Shego almost twenty minutes to cover less then ten feet of ground, the final feet involving the slowest backwards summersault Kim had ever seen. Kim had stayed rooted in the spot, watching Shego glide through the changing, three dimensional obstacle course. Shego slowly straightened, her body only inches from Kim's own body. Her eyes, as they stared into Kim's eyes, had a calm, far-off expression; as if Shego was staring off into some beautiful landscape only she could see. The exertion, the difficult physical maneuvers down in slow motion, had caused the slightly older woman to sweat, so that the musk of Shego's body filled Kim's nostrils.

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