Is it over yet

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With the rush of adrenaline and little thinking time the battle flew by. In the mix up,I'd been separated from Rosie after a gruesome duel with Dolohov. I knew I was bleeding profusely from my head but I didn't care, I have to find Rosie. My feet were dragging my along the floor as I walked towards the Great Hall. My head was pounding in my ears at the distinct noise of chatter behind the doors. I pushed them open and noticed hundreds of students being treated by teachers. It hurt seeing such young children caught up in this. Along the floor were bodies covered up with blankets. Dead bodies. My stomach lurnched.

Casting my eyes up, I saw the huddle of the Order. They are surrounding a body on the floor. A body. My feet moved faster as I neared the group. I could hear the sobs of Mrs Weasley and the rest of the family were muffling in tears. Looking down I noticed the ginger tall gram of a twin. Fred. My heart shattered. Fred and George were a wonderful pair. Often they reminded me of James and Sirius with their pranks and immature attitudes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder that brought me back to the world. I turned around, Sirius.

"I'm glad your alive Moony, heavens know what I'd do if you left me" he said embracing me. I hugged him back tightly and noticed his brother smiling at us. He was battered and bleeding also with a bandage around his hand.

"Don't worry about it, who needs two hands anyway" Regulus grinned but I could tell he was hurt. I pulled back from Sirius and could only mutter a few words.

"Where's... Rosie...?" My breathing was slow and tight, like the air was suffocating me. Sirius frowned and realised Rosie wasn't by my side.

"I thought she was with you!?" Sirius tone was rising but I didn't argue back. He has every right to be mad. I swore I'd protect her yet I'd lost her. Her and our baby. The Great Hall doors creaked open and I sharply turned around to look. It was her.

Eyes locked and my tears changed to happy tears. I was running to her. No I was sprinting and so was she. We met in the middle and I picked her up in embrace. We sobbed into each other's shoulders as if the world ended. It felt like it when she wasn't with me. My lungs opened up and I could breathe again. She was my oxygen.

"Rosie.. I thought you were dead. It's all my fault, I was supposed to protect you. I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry" my voice was shaky.she pulled away and shook her head and kissed me with utmost passion.

"You did protect me Remus, you fought everyone in our path. When you were fighting Dolohov there was a group of first years being surrounded so I went and helped. I got rid of them but I'm sorry, I shouldn't of left you" she cried. She left to save students, children, and she's apologising ? This woman.

"Such a hero," I said rolling my eyes and she giggled," you aren't hurt tho right? And the little one?" I looked her up and down and noticed she was fine apart from a few cuts.

"I'm fine Remus love, so is our little pup" she smiled perfectly. I kissed her and placed a hand on her tummy. I bent down and pecked her stomach.

"I love you pup, with all my heart, I cant wait to meet you."

"Erm Moony,I know your bleeding from your head but why are you talking to her belly?"Sirius laughed hitting my back. I blushed and looked at him and his brother. Regulus eyes were wide. He figured it out.

"Your pregnant and you came here!? Remus you let her come!? Regulus harangued me. Bollocks.

"I mean I tried to-"

"YOUR PREGNANT!THERES GOING TO BE A MINI MOONY!?" Sirius bellowed. The whole hall went silent and my cheeks were blushing madly.

"I told Remus I was coming and he respects me enough to know I make my own decisions thank you brothers. Also please stop raising your voices around your niece or nephew, quite rude don't you think?" Rosie smirkingly strutted away leaving the three of us in silence.

"Blimey congrats Moony, didn't know you had it in you! Although the thought of how it happened is rather-" Regulus thankfully cut his brother off.

"Yes congratulations Remus, I know you will be a great father, otherwise I will kill you." Well that's nice enough

"Thank you, I really tried to stop her from coming but she's rather stubborn like someone else I know" I winked this time it was me walking away.

"Where's Harry?" I questioned Ron after speaking my condolences.

"He erm... he went to the Forest" Ron muttered.

"He did what now!?" Before I continue the voice of Longbottom interrupted.

"Hey everyone, quick come out here!"

Not long after the call the rest of us stood outside the big doors of Hogwarts. I took in the rubble and the broken school. It should never look like this.

"Neville who's that, that Hagrids carrying?" Ginny questioned as we walked towards the approaching herd of Death Eaters.

"Harry Potter is dead!" The venom tone of Voldemort shrieked.

No,no,no,no. Not Harry. A gasping sob left my mouth. I cant have let James and Lily down. Sirius had tears streaming down his face and I gripped his hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry Jamesie" he whispered. I clenched his hand harder. He'd been through a lot for the Potters.

Ginnys scream was the loudest, Arthur had to hold her back.My ears tuned out, I couldn't listen to more, I didn't want to listen to more. Drastically I tuned back in when I heard the gasps around me. I looked around and noticed Harry dropping to the floor. He was alive.

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