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My heart was so full of love, I had the best sleep I'd had in years. Waking up to Rosie in my arms is something I'd never get used to. I was a broken man when she met me and one by ones she's built me back up again, filling the hole in my heart.

"Good morning my love" I said planting a kiss on her forehead.

She groaned and mumbled something but went back to sleep. I let out a chuckle but she looked so peaceful so I just left her sleeping. I pulled on a brown knitted sweater and some blue jeans before making my way downstairs. No one else was up apart from Sirius.

"Morning Moony, sleep well?"

"Magnificently, yourself?" I asked brewing a coffee.

Sirius sighed and I looked at him. His eyes were swollen and heavy, his hair was a mess. He'd been crying.

"What's wrong Padfoot?" I placed a coffee in his hand and sat opposite him.

"I had the same nightmare but every time it feels more vivid. I'm so sorry Remus, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. If I'd just been brave, they'd still be here right now. Harry would still have his parents, we'd still have our family. It was stupid of me to go after Peter that night, I should of stayed with you, but I left. I left you all alone and I'll never be able to apologise enough" Sirius said with tears streaming down his face.

We both had nightmares of that night, anybody would. I hated how Sirius blamed himself but I know that I sometimes do as well. We were a family, Sirius never got on with his so he was much closer to all of us than the rest. He lost a brother and a sister that night. I felt a twang of guilt as I realised I haven't been there for him recently.

"Sirius it wasn't your fault. You were trying to save them because you knew Voldemort would come to you first. None of us knew that Peter would betray us the way he did, none of us. Your my brother Sirius, my best friend, I dont blame you, I never did. What matters is your here now and you have your sister and brother back. We're all here for you Padfoot l, always" my hand placed on his shoulder.

Sirius crumbled and sobbed into my chest. The bond we all shared was something that could never be broken, no matter who tried. We stayed like this for a while, letting all our emotions out. It seemed to help Sirius and he stopped crying and stood up.

"Thank you Remus, truly I can't even-"

"Morning gentleman" said Rosie,who appeared in a skirt and jumper. Adorable.

"Good morning sister, pass me another cuppa would you?" Sirius said with puppy eyes.

Rosie stuck her middle finger up but brought him one anyway.

"Here you are my Lord"

"Thank you peasant and now I mus- HOLY MERLINS BALLSACK IS THAT A RING ON YOUR FINGER!?"

Uh oh, I kinda didn't tell him I was gonna propose. Sirius looked between the pair of us eyes wide and I felt clustered.

"Remus, I'm going to ask you this once. Did you or did you not propose to my sister without telling me?" Sirius eyes pierced my body, I couldn't tell if he was playing or being serious.

"Erm... well... it was a spontaneous act... completely out of the blue... you know."

"You have 3 seconds to run before I murder you."

I let out a snort but when his face didn't smile, I gulped and sprinted out of the room.

"YOUR A DEAD MAN REMUS LUPIN, DEAD!"He yelled chasing after me.

"Is it possible to retract my yes!?" Rosie shouted.

"YES!" Sirius shrieked.

"NO!" I yelled at the same time.

After the shouting it didn't take long for people to appear and question what happened. Sirius blatantly said it without even beating around the bush. The adults congratulated us as well as the kids. At least no one had complaints. Shit. I forgot about Regulus.

"Rosie dear, I was thinking, perhaps you would like to tell Regulus because he's... you know... your brother" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Don't tell me your scared of him, Lupin?" She giggled.

"Well since your other brother, my best friend, tried to kill me, I feel lucky to be alive so I dont want to be victim of an another attempted murder."

"Right fine, he'll probably look for you anyway tho" Rosie retorted.

"Yes but at least I can be prepared."

We all exchanged presents after a very filling Sunday roast made by Molly. Sirius cried again after Rosie gave him a photo of him, Regulus and her playing in the snow when they were kids. Rosie gave me new sweaters even tho I insisted didn't need anything.

"Having you is the best gift I can receive, you shouldn't have" I said kissing her forehead. Sirius made a gagging noise causing me and a Rosie to roll our eyes. I felt bad for him. Ever since his love Marlene died a few weeks before the Potters he's never looked for love. Since escaping Azkaban Ive caught him with a few girls in his bed, resuming his old fuckboy representation. I dont blame him, I wouldn't be able to live without Rosie never mind move on.

Regulus appeared a bit later giving us all small gifts. He gave me some Wolfsbane which I have no idea how he got a hold of but decided not to question it. I saw Rosie take him away and gulped. She was telling him. I tried to distract myself with messing around Sirius as he berated Harry for kissing Ginny.

"Remus, a word please" I heard Regulus's voice from behind me. Please Lord watch over me. Hastily I stood up and followed Regulus to the kitchen.

"I would of preferred that you spoke to me about marrying my sister however she explained it was a spontaneous proposal. I'd like you to know I have no objection to your marriage but if you hurt her in anyway I will kill you, do you understand?" There was no tone of sarcasm or joking in his voice. Normally I'd be scared but I loved how much he cares for his sister.

"Absolutely, I'll never hurt her, she's my everything" I said nodding.

"Very well, congratulations anyhow" he patted my shoulder and strutted back to the kitchen.

I let out a deep breath and put my hands on the counter. A pair of hands wrapped around my waist and a petite body leant against mine.

"I told you it would be okay, though I reckon he was being deadly serious about killing you" Rosie said kissing my neck.

I spun around causing her to back up against the wall. Leaning over her my hands above her head I mumbled "You weren't eavesdropping were you dear?"

Her eyes looked deeply into mine and I felt her breathing heavier.

"Hmm so what if I was Mr Lupin?"

She raised her eyebrows at me and bit her plump lips. Fuck.

"Then I think you ought to be taught a lesson Miss Black" I whispered into her ear. She let out a gasp and her breath against my neck drove me insane. I kissed her with intensity, hand on her jaw and waist.

"Merry Christmas dear" I muttered between kisses.

"Merry Christmas my love."

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