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Rosie made a full recovery and stayed with me and Sirius at Grimmaud. Regulus also visited frequently, however was still uneasy about making a full appearance to the wizard world.

"SIRIUS! REMUS! COME DOWN RIGHT NOW ITS IMPORTANT!" Rosie screeched from the kitchen.

Panicking, I ran downstairs, where I heard Sirius close behind me. I burst through the kitchen door, wand in hand ready to attack.

"What!? What is it, what's wrong!?" I panted, wand still raised. Sirius also had a wand in his hand but looked far less stressed than I was.

"Do use want pancakes or a full english?" Rosie questioned, with a finger on her chin.

Sirius burst out laughing,while I put my wand down and collapsed into the chair. This bloody woman's going to be the death of me.

"So your telling me,you shouted me down, yelling it's important, just to ask what I'd like for breakfast?"

Rosie let out a snort and covered her mouth to prevent her from laughing further. " Well I think it's bloody important, don't you? Besides, we need a good breakfast before we return back to Hogwarts today."

Sirius sat beside me in his dressing robe and picked up the newspaper. He seemed a bit tense, which I'd presume was because he'd be on his own for a while.

"Oh quit admiring me Remus, we can see you have a great bod as well, no need to be jealous" Sirius said winking at me.

I looked down at myself and noticed I only had my joggers on and no top. Instantly,I felt flustered and looked up and saw Rosie turn away, blushing." Oh shoot, erm I'm going to get changed while you cook."

Speeding upstairs, I put on a new grey suit and packed my suitcase, ready to leave for Kings Cross. Me and Rosie still loved going to Hogwarts by train, desperate to relive any form of our youth.

As I was about to enter the kitchen, I heard Sirius and Rosie in discussions about a particular man.

"Do you like him?" Sirius inquired.

"Well of course I like him, he's a great friend."

"No no no, dont play dumb with me,do you fancy him?"

"Oh erm, well, er, I mean I guess I do, yes" Rosie stuttered out.

"Ha I knew it! Oh god I'm gonna have a brother in law!Ah! There's going to be baby Moony's! You better name one after me!" Sirius said,excitedly.

"Will you shut up! He might hear and your talking shit per usual Black! Calm yourself"

I gulped. Rosie fancies me?! I mean yeah, we hooked up but I never thought she had genuine feelings for me. I brushed myself down,trying to compose myself, so they wouldn't know I heard them.

"Don't you look dapper, Mr Lupin!You could be off to a wedding dressed like that!"Chuckled Sirius,sneaking wink at Rosie.

"Very funny Padfoot, all you wear is that robe,you boring git" I retort.

"Ouchy Moony, that was quite harsh coming from you."

I rolled my eyes and tucked into the pancakes that Rosie had made.

Arriving at platform 9 and 3/4 will never get old. The thrill of new first years, along with the tears of the parents waving farewell. Owls flying around delivering letters, while the train gets ready to leave.

"Crazy how this was us, a good few years ago, isn't it?" Rosie said,nudging me with her arm.

"It will always feel like home, I'll never get sick of being at Hogwarts."

Rosie and I sat in our compartment in a comfortable silence. We were both busy marking some practice essays the sixth years had done, since we'd both been two busy to do them in the break.

Post arrival, we sat at the teachers desk where Dumbledore,once more, did his grand welcome back speech. There was a more eery vibe around the castle,with the Ministry now confirming the return of Voldemort. I noticed a few empty spaces on the benches,where some parents had clearly refused to send there kids back to Hogwarts. Professor Slughorn returned to the school to teach potions, which meant Snape finally got his beloved dream of teaching Defence Against The Dark Arts.I'm not sure why Dumbledore brought Slughorn back, but the man knows what he's doing so I didn't question it.

I knew things were getting worse, this was just the beginning.

Rosie and I had developed good relationships with the students, so many came to speak to use before they headed up to bed. The last one was Harry.

"Hello Professors, may I have a word with the pair of you?" Harry asked while checking his surroundings. This can't be good.

"Sure Harry, what's wrong?" Rosie asked with concern.

"Does Malloy seem off to you guys? He's being rather quiet,almost like he's not in the room" Harry said intrigued.

"He may be unwell Harry, it's far to early to query anything at this moment, don't stress on it, go get some rest now" I ushered him away,bidding him goodnight.

"I must say Remus, Draco is not his usual self, but I daren't accuse the boy of anything yet, we must get him to trust us."

"Your absolutely right Rosie, I'm afraid it can't be anything good giving the correlation of his family, however a good relationship with him may help us get information for the Order" I said sighing and heading towards my room.

"He's only a boy Lupin, he doesn't have much say in whatever his matter is, remember that."

I glanced back at Rosie, she was so good with her motives and words. Always seeing the good in everyone. She was still unaware of the monster in me, although Sirius had been dropping hints every now and again when I disappeared for full moons. I knew I would have to tell her, I was just scared of the outcome. I couldn't lose Rosie, I cant lose her.

"Goodnight Miss Black."

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