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One day, the doors flung open to Rosie's room causing me and Sirius to jump, both pulling out our wands. A man of around Sirius's height, with black short hair and green emerald eyes, entered the room. I had no idea who this man was but Sirius looked shocked.

"Well if it isn't Rondo Thirsk " Sirius sneered, sounding bitter.

My eyes widened as I glanced back at "Rondo" . He wasn't how I imagined. He had a scar across his chin and had a sharp jawline and cheekbones. His black hair made his emerald eyes stand out,as well as the typical Black pale skin.

The man was taken back and seemed loss for air. Regulus cleared his throat before nodding and greeting Sirius " Hello Siri."

What seemed like forever, the tension was thick. I could tell there was many words that wanted to be spoken, so I excuses myself from the room. I decided to go outside,where the sun was beginning to rise over the countryside hills. Heaving a deep sigh, I pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from my pocket. Normally, I didn't smoke but when it came to the full moon and stressful situations, it was my alibi. Lighting up,I took a deep puff off the smoke,before gazing off in a trance.

The sun was practically fully up when I body sat beside me on the bench.

" Smokings bad for you Moony boy" Sirius said taking the cigarette away from my mouth, putting it in his.

"Well why have you just done it then?" I said,casting him a confused look.

"Because Remus, I'm the bad one your supposed to be the good one" Sirius flashed a grin at me before a frown came on his face.
" Me and Regulus spoke, I was fuming with him at first for leaving me but I see now he was trying to protect me,as well as himself. I think were good but obviously it's going to be a bit awkward still for a bit."

"I'm glad you have your siblings back Padfoot, truly I am" I said patting his back before standing up and going back to Rosie.

Regulus was still there,standing over Rosie, has hand clutches on hers.

"Who are you then?" He said piercing me with his eyes. I could tell you didn't want to be on the wrong side of him.

"Oh erm... well I guess I'm uhh... a friend?" I said questioning myself. Way to sound suspicious Moony, well done.

The youngest Black analysed me from head to toe. I felt threatened, I felt small. Did he not like me? Would he tell me to leave Rosie alone?

" I can tell by your ragged appearance that you haven't left my sisters side, so for that I shall consider us friends" Regulus announced, outstretching his hand.

I shook his hand and gave him a weak smile, unsure wether he had Sirius's personality or not. As we are shaking hands,I noticed movement from the corner of my eye. Rosies hand moved and so did her toes.

"Remus? Regulus?"

Both me and Regulus lept to her side,grabbing her hand and stroking her hair.

"We're here, it's okay" I whispered gently, caressing her cheek.

The door opened and Sirius walked in and abruptly stopped.

" Oh shit, I'll go get the doctors!" And with that he ran back out the room.

"I gather I'm at hospital then" Miss Black grinned,before wincing in pain.

"That you are sister, that you are" Regulus chuckled a little bit, he had the same mischievous face as his siblings.

"Why are you here? You could be recognised! Heck this whole place is magic!You hate magic!" Rosies yelled, concern on her face.

"Rosie I came as soon as I could, Dumbledore was the one who contacted me about you actually" he said scratching the back of his head.

"He- he did? Does this mean you will do magic again?!" She said almost excited.

Regulus chuckled " Possibly Rosie, possibly."

Rosies eyes then met mine and she smiled. She analysed my face. Noticing the bags and swollen eyes, her face changed to a frown.

"How long have I been out?" She inquired.

"Around 2 weeks I think, I cant really remember" I replied shyly.

"You haven't left my side have you?" Rosie said with a massive grin on her face.

" Well if you don't count to toilet or smoking breaks,then yeah, I've been here the whole time but so has Sirius" I implied, not wanting the attention on me. Rosie pulled me in and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Remus."

The doctors came in and checked Rosies vitals, before declaring she'd by fine to leave tomorrow. The relief that washed over me was refreshing. She was still here, she was still alive.

Once more I stayed the night,much to Rosies protests.

" You need proper sleep for Merlins sake Mr Lupin!"

I let out a laugh before grabbing her hand " I'm not going anywhere without you Miss Black"

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