The Order

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With the rise of Voldemort prominent, the Order Of the Phoenix was set back up, instituted by Dumbledore. Of course I agreed to be a part of it, as I had done many years ago. It was a top secret and dangerous organisation, if anyone found out of it , punishment was severe,especially if you were caught by a Death Eater.

Dumbledore sent an owl on where headquarters would be, immediately I recognised it as being Sirius's childhood home. He was not going to be happy about that.

I packed my belongs and made way for 13 Grimmaud place. Upon arrival, I did the enchantment that revealed the townhouse, appearing between the muggle houses. Entering, I was last to arrive, making way to the kitchen,where conversation was deep in flow.

"Yes I know that Arthur, but Percy is to close to the Ministry and unfortunately cannot be trusted." Sirius voice was harsh, but myself knew this was true.

I pushed open the door and all eyes turned to me. " Remus, my good friend,how are you?"standing up,Sirius brought me into a warm hug, patting my back.

"I'm quite alright and yourself?" I said eyebrows raised.

"Yes yes I'm fine, just trying to instruct the other here, the importance of trust, as we all know,even those who appear closest,can be the most distant." Sirius had hurt in his eyes, I glanced away looking at my feet,the pain of the death of Lily and James still stung my heart.

I sat myself down as the discussion continued ,each member participating. Recognising a few from last time,I noticed of course the Weasley couple, Mundungus, Mad eye and a young woman I'd seen hanging around with Moody,I believe who was called Tonks.She'd been proven vital to the Order, gaining important information that only she could get,being a Metamorphus.

Suddenly the door was knocked wide open and a dark haired woman tripped through. No. No, what was she doing here!?

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up on my task" Rosie said,almost panting for air.

"You allowed her to be apart of this?!" I said voice raised, although I regretted it immediately, seeing Rosie frown, upset and angry.

"Oh believe me, I tried to talk her out of it but she's rather stubborn, no idea where she gets it from" Sirius said shaking his head, but I seen the small smirk on his lips.

I scoffed looking away from him, instead looking at Rosie, whose eyes were piercing mine with anger. Which I had expected,because of my word choice off earlier.

"Regarding your task Rosie, Dumbledore has advised me to tell you that once more, you shall be going out on a mission, however this time you shall be accompanied by another member." Moody spoke, looking gloom as usual.

"I'll go, I'll go!" The Black brother beamed excitedly.

"Incase you forgot, Mr Black, but you are still a wanted man!" Moody hissed at him, causing Sirius to glare back annoyed yet disappointed.

"Anyhow, Dumbledore said Remus will be accompanying Rosie on this mission because of his skills in the dark arts."

At this,I heard Rosie let out a frustrated sigh. I'd be lying if I said this didn't hurt me, but this time away with her would be perfect for me to get to know her better.

The meeting came to a close as the members began to leave, some already starting their tasks. Left in the house was me Sirius, Rosie and the Weasleys as we were all now living here for the time being.

Scuffing my feet up the stairs, like my teaching days,I heard the soft hymn of Rosies voice. I knocked on the door, to which the reply was a short " Come in".

Clearly not expecting me,she abruptly got up and looked away from me ,staring out the window. She was wearing small blue pyjama shorts with a grey tank top. Who knew a woman could look so beautiful in pyjamas.

Regaining myself I said "I wanted to apologise for earlier, it's not that I doubt your abilities Rosie but this is a dangerous thing to be a part of and I dont want to see you hurt." I said stepping closer to her, still her back faced me.

There was no response. I hated this. Feeling like she hates me ,like she despises me ,made my heart start to break. "Rosie I hope you know that there's no one else I'd rather go on a mission with. There's no way I could survive being with one person for a long time unless it was you."

I went to leave when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Rosie was staring in my eyes, hers looked on the verge of tears, I couldn't believe I'd made her cry. A twang of pain went across my chest.

" I accept your apology Remus, but this mission will be the easiest thing."

"How so?"

"Because staying with me will be the hardest."

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