Honey - Skin

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Today, I was going to make a post about Bentonite Clay, but since I add honey into my clay mask, I thought I'd tell you why first. Honey is meant to be amazing for those of you who are struggling with acne, and also slows the process of aging.

In the very basic sense acne is caused by overly attached pores who have had one too many oils and dirt walk right out of their lives. These pores could not take it any longer, and decided to say goodbye to the world and keep the remaining oil and dirt with them forever and ever, against their will. I don't mean to give credit where it is not due, but honey is basically the hostage negotiator or that random guy that runs up the building telling the pore not to jump. Honey opens your pores, and makes them easy to clean.

Honey reduces scaring. Have acne marks? Rub some honey on it. A nasty cut that never really disappeared? Rub some honey on it. A burn mark? You know the drill. Honey is also known to be anti-bacterial, and has healing properties. So if you have an annoying wound that is not serious enough to be treated by a doctor, rub some... Come on. You've surely got this by now.

Honey is full of antioxidants called polyphenols. In short, when ingested it is thought to protect your body from diseases.

When using honey regularly you will notice an improved complexion, and a healthier, glowing skin. It's a moisturizer too, people. 

Honey is also often associated with weight loss. If you're like me, you'd sooner be fat than give up a good cup of tea or maybe ten. Get rid of sugar, and start adding honey. Of course you won't see results if you over do it, too much of anything is bad.

What you can do:

1. Wash your face with honey. (2 - 3 times a week)

2. Use honey as a mask. (10 -15 minutes, 1 - 3 times a week)

3. Put honey in your tea. (If you are suffering from a sore throat, squeeze some lemon juice into your tea too. You can thank me later.)

4. Wrinkles a problem? Mix honey and milk, and wear it as a mask for around 15-20 minutes.

5. Rub it on scars and wounds. 

Buy organic honey.

Small fact: Apparently darker honey has more antioxidants.

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