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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Since FNAC isn't a popular game yet, there's not much pictures. Sadly. I don't know why I like that picture, but enjoy!!!

Penguin's P.O.V

I leaned agaisnt the wall while I watched Candy, Doug and Rat trying to hold back the angry puppet.

"LET ME KILL HIM!!!!" Vinnie screamed, trying to hit Chester. The chimp backed up quickly, hiding behind Netty.

"VINNIE NO!" Candy yelled. I was in so much pain so I couldn't walk over to Vinnie and tell him I was fine.

Vinnie mananged to get out of their grip and tackle Chester, clawing him. Blank held me steady and Vinnie finished Chester off with a punch in the face and ran to me.


"Just in pain a bit. But I'm fine" I said, offering a weak little smile.

"You poor thing" Vinnie sighed, hugging me.

"Ow Vinnie!" I hissed and he looked down.

Vinnie's P.O.V

Is that....a HICKEY?!

My eyes turned red and I looked back at the groaning Chester.

"You must die" I growled.

"Okay babe lets go" Rat dragged me out of the room, and I was hissing demontically for Chester to burn in hell.

Chester's P.O.V

"Are you okay now?" Penguin asked me, cleaning the wounds on my arm.

"I'm okay now hon" I smiled a little, ruffling his black hair. Penguin leaned forward and kissed my neck. I chuckled at his soft touch and wrapped my arms around him.

"You wouldn't mind if I did again would you?" I asked him. Penguin looked up at me.

"As long as your happy I'm up for it" He smirked.

"This time, I want you to tell the truth if it hurts okay? I don't wanna over do it" I said and Penguin backed up to the bed.

"Okie dokie" (I swear this kid will be the death of me. HE'S SO INNOCENT AND CUTE!) I gently placed my hands on his waist and started to rub them.

Penguin purred, and I turned him over, stoking his tail.

"Ngh~" He moaned.

So that's his sensitive part.

I undressed him and he turned over, jumping on me and wrapping his legs around my wasit.

"Your so tall" He muttered and I laughed while placing him on the bed. I bit at his sides, making a LOT of hickeys on his femine(Did I spell that right?) body. I took a step back and admirred my work before slipping off my shirt, roughly kissing Penguin.

I slid my tongue into his little mouth and when I pulled back, he gasped for breath. I slowly rubbed his lower area,(*cough*) and he let out a loud moan.

"Shhh" I put a gag into his mouth so that the others wouldn't hear.

Especially Vinnie.

I undressed and started to suck Penguin off.

"Mfh~ Ngh~!" His moans were quite, but I could still hear him.

(Между нами провода - da, da, da, города - da, da, da. Shoutout if you can guess the song! I love it btw!)

Penguin tapped my shoulder to let me know he was close and I swallowed all of his liquid. (ewwwie)

I used the pre-cum coming out of him as lube and stuck my fingers in. Penguin whinced and gently took the gag off.

"T-tease" He panted. I chuckled.

"Ready?" I asked him and he nodded, putting the gag back it. I pushed straight into him, making Penguin gasp muffledly and tears fall down his wide eyes. 

He nodded when he adjusted and I slowly thrusted into him, and finally, came into him.

Vinnie's P.O.V

One day.


I will KILL that chimp.

Lol I couldn't. But hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

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