Halloween Special!

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Hello blooming readers! Its me! Here is a special, um, and just so you know, I suck at these ehehe. I don't have another Chester x Penguin pic I'm sorry. Nobody really pays attention to Five Nights At Candy's ships. But enjoy! Oh. And also, this won't effect the story. Its just...how should I say it? A future reference. So it happens in the future. But enjoy!

Penguin's P.O.V

It's Halloween! The best season of the year! Candy, trick-or-treating, costumes, ALL OF IT!

"Come on babe lets go!!!" I pressured my boyfriend. He kissed me gently.

"Hold on Guinny. You know we have to get the party done" Chester smirked.

I huffed, slouching on the couch. And started poking my stomach to entertain myself. Where ever I poked, that's where the baby kicked.

"Alright we're done!!!" Candy smiled, and Doug's hand went on his boyfriend's waist.

"Yay candy!!" I jumped up and we all had our halloween party.


"DUCK YEAH!" I yelled, running out of the diner. (He is a innocent bean. He can't curse)

"Penguin wait up!" My friends ran after me.

"CANDY CANDY CANDY CANDY!!!!" I screamed, running around the neighbore hood.

"PENGUIN!!!!" Candy yelled.

"YOU MUSTN'T RUN OFF!" Chester shouted. I rang the first house bell three times, hopping up and down for candy.

"Hello!" The lady gave me candy and I ran off to the next house. Soooo guess I should you our costumes.

Me and Chester are Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, Candy is a corpse bride from the Corpse Bride(My favorite Tim Burton film), and Doug is a skeleton. Cindy is the human main girl from Hocus Pocus, Netty is a witch, Cat is the Chesire Cat, Rat is the Mouse King from The Nutcracker, Blank is Zero from Creepypasta, and Vinnie is a vampire.

I went by every house, collecting all the candy, and I never got tired.

"How can a pregnant penguin be so fast?! I thought they waddled!" Cindy gasped for breath saying.

"I WANT DUCKING CANDY!!!" I screamed, and it was getting too dark to keep trick-or-treating, so we headed back to the pizzaeria.

"Canddyyyyyyyyyyyyy" I took chocolate and began munching on it.

"Not too much you'll be sick by tomarrow" Chester said to me, patting my head. I hissed at him, and continued to eat the candy.

Until I got sick.

Dude. I told you I suck at these specials. I'm better at writing whatever comes to mind. Or, no I suck at writing we can all tell. I am very sorry I haven't updated in a while, y'all probably think I'm dead. But I've been getting Fonnie book 2 done. I updated ten chapters! And I'm saving up chapters here to post on November the 10'th! Well I hope you enjoyed!

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