Chapter 25

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Dear Pikachu,

     The tampon has been a bitch so far on this mission. Can you believe that she dared to lay a hand on me claiming that I was lying about her 'perfect children'?

     Oh wait...

     That's not so hard to believe because that's all she ever does. This doesn't even classify as an A rank mission and it is bullshit!

      Bloody Mustard got a beat down. Ha! He couldn't even lay a finger on me. He claimed he needed to put me in my place because I spoke the truth about them and made the tampon cry.

       Anyway, that's enough about me ranting about how shitty they are. How are you doing? I know you are still only eight but have you been practicing your katas? They are really important and will help your chakra reserves expand quicker.


The eight year old sighed, already used to her older brother ranting and using vulgar language when he does. "Oh Naruto... " She caressed the paper sadly. "Why can no one leave you alone?" In an effort to get to know her brother, she reached out to him after the first day of school for years ago. She had been super excited about meeting him and had asked him why he didn't like their parents. He explained everything to her and stated that he was going to give this relationship a try since she had never wronged him. One thing led to another and he started to teach her.

She took a moment before she decided what she wanted to write back.

        Dear Reaper,

   Yes I have been practicing my katas and I think I can move on to the next stage. I will say Bloody Mustard deserved it. You never mentioned Pad though, so I am assuming she hasn't done anything though I am disappointed to hear what Tampon had done. Has Sugar-free tried anything as well? I know she is Duck's fangirl so hopefully she hasn't tried to... You know.

     Yellow Meatbag is still angry about not knowing Kitsune's name and has started to ask a lot of questions. He won't even train me, using the excuse that we are in a time of peace and he wants me to have a normal childhood. Hopefully, you can get another better mission when you come home.


Naruko set down the pen with a sigh. "Naruko! Dinner!" She heard Minato call up the stairs.

"Coming!" She called back before she turned to the fox waiting patiently in front of her. She handed the letter back. "Take this back to him and be careful." The fox nodded and left with a poof.

She trudged down the stairs, pausing at the door as she seen ramen on the table with her father looking pleased. "I made you ramen."

"Thank you but I don't like ramen." Naruko rubbed her temples. What is their obsession with ramen? Has he really not noticed that I don't like ramen?

Minato stared at her. "Oh. Um..." He flashed away before coming back with a meat pie. "How about this?"

she sat at the table and he placed it in front of her. "Why did you guys neglect big brother?"

Minato sighed. "Your godfather, Jiraya, was given a prophecy by the Toads. The Child of Prophecy will either save the world or destroy it. We have been teaching Mito and Menma as the Children of Prophecy to destroy the Kyuubi, who has taken over your brother."

Naruko grit her teeth. "And you won't teach me why?"

Minato flinched at the malicious glint in her eyes. "I-Its a time of peace and-"

She cut him off by slamming her hands on the table. He 'eeped' and leaned away. "That's not an excuse!"

"I will have Kitsune's team train you! Spare me!" He begged.

She glared at him before huffing in irritation. "Fine." She finished her meat pie quickly before standing up and heading for the door. She stopped, looking over her shoulder at the fearful Fourth Hokage. "Oh. One more thing." Her eyes narrowed. "It said Child of Prophecy, not Children of Prophecy. Child. One." With that being said she left the house, passing the two-faced villagers on her way to the Forest of Death, Training Ground 44, to meditate.

Naruko, under the guidance of Naruto, had unlocked her chakra four years ago and now she was meditating daily. Not only to expand her chakra pools and pathways, but as a way to help curb her temper before she blew something up.


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