Chapter 24

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Sorry I am late. School started last week and I am still figuring it out and getting my work done. So here is a small chapter for you.

Later on in the evening, we all went back inside of Tazuna's house because Tsunami said dinner was ready. The disgraces were already at the table as well as Inari, Tsunami, and Tazuna.

Unsurprisingly, Kushina was there too. Uzumaki healing is good for some things.

My team sat in comfortable silence as we ate while everyone else sat in awkward silence, fidgeting every now and then. At least until the bratty child had enough and slammed his hand to the table. "Why are you even trying? You are just going to die! You can't stop Gato!" He shouted.

I look up at him with a small frown. "He's only human."

"So are you." Inari sneered rudely back at me.

I only gave him a look of pity at the small attempt to make me scared. "But I am not a human. I am often called a demon."

Tsunami gasped in shock as everything else went silent. "Who would do such a thing?"

Hashirama snickered as he looked at Kushina. "A family from tree sap." (Yes. Yes I used it. I thought it was a hilarious and unique nickname.)

Sasuke rolled his eyes and everyone ignored the young Uchiha's disrespect. Inari's mouth dropped open in shock before an angered look came over his face like a tsunami... Heheheh. "Whatever! I bet you don't even know what pain is! You are sheltered and loved by your village! You have lost nothing because you ninja always get what you want!" Inari shouted and my face went blank.

"Shut up kid." Orochimaru hissed as he looked over at me with concern.

"NO! The truth hurts now doesn't it?" Inari laughed mockingly.

I growled. "You want the truth? I will give you the truth. I was born to a tree sap on the night of the Kyuubi attack. An evil man named 'Madara Uchiha' stole the fox from my supposed mother and forced him to attack the village. The 'oh so great Fourth Hokage' summoned the Shinigami to seal the chakra into the supposed 'children of prophecy' and the soul into me in exchange for his soul. However the Shinigami spared him and gave him a warning he ignored. The two 'children of prophecy' were seen as heroes while I, an innocent victim of all of this, was the demon incarnate. So imagine my surprise when I was neglected and abused for it. Oh! And let's not forget that my 'parents' gave away my birthright and disowned me, leading me to almost get raped by a group of villagers. Then I finally get a better life with the Uchiha's and the disgraces remember, 'Oh! We have an older son we neglected for years and forgot about! We will get him back from the 'bitch that stole my baby boy!' They pestered me since then and even when I said I wanted nothing to do with them and say I am lying when I am telling the truth. So you say I was sheltered and don't know pain, but who here really doesn't know about pain?" I glare at all of them. Tsunami and Inari were crying.

I will admit that I felt bad for making Tsunami cry. I didn't mean to.

But that little brat deserved it.

"NAR-" Kushina was standing up and I gave her a deadly glare.

"Don't you dare try and yell at me." My lip curled into a snarl before I left the house without a trace.

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