"I think we'll manage." he replies, securing his grip on the friar before shifting his attention to Wilma. "We're all glad you've decided to stay with us," John tells her, winking for good measure, "no matter how long that may be."

"So am I." the woman replies with a soft smile on her lips.

John gives a small chuckle as he turns to face the direction of the tents. "Well, goodnight you two." he calls over his shoulder, leading Tuck and himself in the very same direction.

"Night." the pair call out in unison as Robin moves to sit next to Wilma.

For a moment they sit amongst the sounds of the forest's nightlife that surrounds them. Suddenly a chuckle sounds from beside him, so Robin turns to look at the brunette. "What's so funny?" he asks, curious as to what has her laughing.

After seemingly managing to gain control of her laughter, she replies, "Oh, nothing."

"Nothing, huh?" the thief presses, however his response only causes the brunette to break into another fit of giggles. Unable to help it, a smile forms on his lips as his heart skips a beat at the sound of her rich and velvety laughter. Shifting his position on the log so that he's properly facing the woman, he says with a slight chuckle of his own, "It certainly doesn't sound like nothing."

It takes her another moment before she manages to once again gain control of her laughter but a constant smile remains on her face "You're right, it isn't nothing." And just as he did, she shifts her position so that she's facing him. "Are all of your celebrations like this?" she asks with a slight giggle to her tone.

Robin laughs at her comment, the alcohol in his system mixing with his genuine amusement at the cause for her laughter. "Yes, I suppose they are." the thief manages once he's regained control over his breathing.

"Well if that's the case," he hears Wilma reply. "I don't want to miss a single one, especially if it means this much fun."

"Then I promise you, milady, that I will never allow that to happen." he tells her as he grips one of her hands within his own and intertwines their fingers.

"I'm counting on it." she murmurs giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Suddenly she shivers and Robin immediately moves so he can wrap his arms around her. "Come on, time to call it a night."

"I agree." she replies with a nod.

The blue-eyed man helps her stand and keeps an arm wrapped around her, holding her close as he leads the woman to her tent. They remain like that for the entire duration it takes to reach her tent and Robin relishes in being able to hold her close.

Upon reaching the tent's entrance, the outlaw begrudgingly removes his arm from around her shoulders, however he finds himself unable to fully part from her just yet. So, bringing his hands up to cup both of her cheeks, Robin murmurs in the space between them, "Goodnight, milady."

"Goodnight, Robin." the brunette replies as a smile graces her lips.

The thief returns it as he leans forward and places a tender kiss to her forehead. He lets it linger a moment before pulling away and removing his hands from her face.

Giving him one last smile, Wilma turns to enter her tent. It's only once the tent flap has closed that Robin heads in the direction of his own tent, eager to go to sleep and dream of the woman who has captivated his heart.


Robin has no idea where he is. He's completely surrounded by nothing but darkness for as far as the eye can see no matter which way he turns or what direction he travels in. Left with no other choice, the blue-eyed man blindly stumbles forward in the hope that he'll come across something that will bring him back to the light.

An Impromptu RescueWhere stories live. Discover now