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Y/N walked down the empty corridors of her new school. The time was maybe past 3 in the middle of the night, she didn't know, but there was no way she was gonna sleep.

She sighed as she walked around the halls. She remembered when she was in the other school, with Jeongin, Felix and the rest, oh how she missed it. 

This school had to high standards for her, everyone got to have make up, dresses or skirts and they always had to sit like a lady, walk like a lady, and everything lady. Her back hurt just thinking about it.

Tears went down her face as she made her way back to the room, she wished this was gonna end as soon as possible. She wished to be in the warm embrace of Lee Felix, the souler she fell in love with.

"It's following you, run. Don't turn your back, run. Get to safety, run."

She didn't know what "it" was so all she could do was run. She ran the fastest she could through the forest, desperately crying for help. She wanted to be with him, in his arms again, with her friends. He was going mad without her, that was for sure.

Right now everything she had to focus on was to run. Something was by her, and soon the cops would be too. She had been running for hours and she just wanted to be in his warm embrace again.

The surroundings were familiar every second she got closer to the building she had been trying to reach for so long. As she ran through the corridors she saw him, the boy which she'd missed so much.

"FELI- " Further than that didn't she come, before she fell down to the ground, seeing him coming closer as she lost her consciousness. 

Lost in the dark 2 // Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now