Chapter 3

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We had walked for what felt like hours when my feet started hurting a bit, but it wasn't to much pain so I guess I could handle it.

Taehyung and I had made some small talks and I don't think I've ever talked this much since I started that private all girl school, because god damn, no one had the same interests as me there.

Lost in the conversation both me and Taehyung got blinded by the sun. Looking at where we were got me all confused. From walking on a small road onto a big field surrounded by mountains got me really confused, how did we end up here? The surroundings were beautiful, and the sky was clear blue. I don't think I've ever seen something like this before.

"God fucking damn it" Taehyung sighed.

I was at loss for words, what did he just say? And why? I looked at him and he just gave a small glance.

"I have a friend who's also an souler. He's not really an unstable one but the way he's handling himself is unstable. His ability is to manipulate people into thinking they are at a place just like this one, but as they are walking they'll get killed by something" Taehyung paused and took up his phone.

"But the thing is that he has been getting himself high as of late so this happens wether we want it too"

Taehyung writes something on his phone and then sighs. He makes a small gesture to follow him so that's what I do.

It seems like he could sense himself back into the forest because just after a little while there were trees and they were oddly, but beautifully, purple.

"I have never seen a forest like this" I said amazed.

"It's not often I get to see it either" Taehyung sighed.

Just a few more minutes of walking we reached a cliff that had the overview of an highway with a river under it, and it just clicked in my head that we'd have to swim under it if we wanted to cross over. I turned my head to Taehyung who gave a knowing smirk. That little bitch. Though I couldn't complain because he is the one that is helping me back to Felix after all.

Oh Felix, I can't imagine what he's currently going through. Does he think I abandoned him just like the rest? If so what has happened now? Are the others okay?

"You don't have to worry, if something terrible had happened to Felix I wouldn't have helped you" Taehyung gave me a reassuring smile, to which I just nodded.

"You packed extra clothes, right?" I looked at Taehyung and nodded again, "Great, Lets's go"

Without thinking he rushed down a small trail right by the cliff, and hurried for the river, with me a bit far off behind. He awaited me before he went staight into the water, me following.

This was gonna get rough considering I had a backpack on me aswell.

Lost in the dark 2 // Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now