Chapter 4

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Pushing to the end of all my limits, I was just a 3 meters away before I could stand up on my feet and keep my head over the surface when my body deciced to give out. I couldn't think, but I only knew survive in this moment.

My head was underwater the moment Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the shore.

"Thanks" I said coughing and shaking while looking at my saviour.

"You are stronger than I thought" He said amazed. What was that supposed to mean? He quickly pulled me down to the ground and laid down beside me.

"Let's rest, you look like you need it"

There was a deep moment of silence before Taehyung sighed a rather depressed sigh. I looked at him confuse.

"You remind me a lot of someone I once thought was my Soulmate.." He started. "She used to be my best friend, she was always there for me when my family wasn't  I was actually in love with her, but she apparently didn't feel the same to me" He sat up and sighed.

"One time she introduced me to this boy, Levi, as her boyfriend, and I felt my heart go into atleast thousands of pieces. I was so hurt that I stopped talking to her for a while, and then one day her mom called me to tell me that she passed away in a horrible car accident, after that I also got abanndoned by my family because of my souler abilities and my oh so depressive mood" I looked silently at Taehyung. That was...deep.

"What made you change to who you are today?" I asked, a bit scared of what he might do or say.

"I never got unstable because she wasn't my soulmate, she was only a crush. After a while I atarted hanging out with my friends I have now in school. That's also where I got to know Minho and Felix by the way. Minho was a student that needed tutoring so I helped him before he switched to your school"

Standing up, he reached out his hand to me to help me stand up too.

"I only now realized that you twi look so much alike.. Anyways come on let's go, we can't rest here forever" Taehyung smiled and we continued our journey back to school.

A little more over 30 minutes later we walked by a mansion hedge that was really huge and tall, I could barely see the mansion, it was like it needed to be completely hidden or something.

Taehyung suddenly just grabbed my hand and smirked once I looked up upon him.

"I promised my friend something" I barely had time to register what he said before I was dragged into the hedge.

"We are trespassing" I quickly said as I realised that we now were on the other side of the hedge.

"I said my friend lives here, calm down Y/n" I looked away from Taehyung and saw the mansion, and sure enough, it was also huge.

Taehyung and I went on the path infrony of the main door and entered the mansion. The look inside made me feel like I was invited to a royal party or something, it was so perfectly decorated. Champagne glasses were lined up on tables and everything else just looked amazing. My thoughts got interrupted once I saw a man walking down the stairs.

"Y/n this is Jungkook, my friend. We are gonna stay for here tonight as it's already getting late, but first we are here for a party. Jungkook, this is Y/n. Remember Minho? He's friends with her" Taehyung introduced me to the man, Jungkook, who was wearing a suit that would definetly fit my thoughts of being a royal guard.

A woman soon joined the conversation, her name was Skye and she was incredibly gorgeus. Skye told me to follow her so that I could pick out a dress for myself.

It was almost hard for me to even choose a dress, there we're a whole room full of them. I ended up just choosing a champagne colored dress with lots of glitter on it. By the time Skye and I had returned downstairs there were lots of guests in the big mansion, which made me slightly panic because I couldn't find Taehyung anywhere.

My panic was soon to end though because Taehyung walked up to me through the crowd.

"I felt your panic" He giggled.

"Well yeah if you were to abandon me here after saying you'd help me get back to Felix it's only natural for one to panic" i said mockingly.

Taehyung smiled and reached his hand out to me.

"May I have a dance?" He asked and I just took his hand.

This whole evening made me feel like a royal that I didn't want it to stop, but eventually my tiredness caught up. Taehyung told Jungkook that we would head up for bed since we still have a long way to go before we are back at school.

Once we were upstairs we walked to a small area of guestrooms, atleast what I assumed, because there wasn't really any big rooms in just this area. Taehyung opened a door and then looked at me.

"Princess, I would be delighted if you choose to sleep with me in this room tonight, but I am afraid that was not your intention, no?" He points to the room next door and continues "Take a bath and then go get some sleep, you deserve and need it"

Lost in the dark 2 // Lee Felixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن