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Y/n Pov

It has been a while since Grom and I have been practicing how to combine spells mainly with my abominations but I can't do it but I know I'm so close to do it also I have a theory about the construction coven buff glyphs but It wasn't my main focus now, leaving that aside the things around went well, except for Eda which her curse is getting worse, one night I wait until Luz was sleep and face her.


I met with Eda in the kitchen while she was making potions.

Y/n: Eda we need to talk.

Eda: Hey kiddo don't you should be sleeping.

Y/n: Yeah but we need to talk.

Eda: about what?

Y/n: your curse.

Eda: What happen with that?

Y/n: Its getting stronger doesn't it?

Eda: What? No... *nervously*

Y/n: Eda this is serious.

Eda: *sigh and sits in the table* I know and yes it's getting worse.

Y/n: What can I do to help?

Eda: I don't know; I just...*Looks down* don't know.

Y/n: Hey relax I may not know what to do but I will not let this curse win I will find a way, I promise. *looking at her*

Eda: Y/n... you are a good kid you know?

Y/n: I know *chuckle*

Eda: Now let's go to sleep kiddo, you have hexside tomorrow.

Y/n: Right, good night Eda.

End of Flashback

Now I was in my morning workout returning to the owl house when I see a bunch of emperor coven witches and Lilith, then I see how a big tree is falling in her direction and by instinct I rush over and tackle her to prevent her to get crush by it.

Lilith: Thanks you... *then she realizes who I was* Ugh one of Edalyn humans.

Y/n: I have a name you know?

Lilith: I don't care, but why?

Y/n: Why what?

Lilith: Why did you save me from the tree.

Y/n: I just do what I thought was right.

Lilith: I see, now go before I throw you at the Conformatorium.

Y/n: I would like to see you trying *threating tone* but well, see you later.

I left her there and walk to the owl house, just to heard.

Luz: Hey! Your gem! It's still dark!

I decide to stay outside and wait.

Eda: Uh...*tensely pulls her scarf back on to cover her gem* No, it's not! Your nuts!

Luz: *skeptically points finger at Eda* The curse has been getting worse and you've been hiding it!

Eda:'re right. It's taking more elixir to turn me back and more magic to keep the curse from rearing its feathery head.

Luz: What happens if you use your magic? Do you...die?

Eda: No! Geez, you're morbid. I just...kinda...sorta...turn into the Owl beast...forever.'s a fate much worse than death if you think about it...*laughs sarcastically*

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