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Y/n Pov

The two weeks has pass and everything is going great, well except that time in the carnival that someone try to hurt Luz and King regrettably I wasn't there with them as I was on a date with Em, talking about her if with everything is going great with her is even going greater but well there isn't much to talk about, except that Grom thing she tells me about, is like a dance but someone have to fight a monster, very appropriate for the Boiling Isles. So I plan to ask her to go with me to Grom today.

I wake up and go to Hexside early to don't be late to tell her, I arrived 15 minutes before I can even come in, I may exaggerate a bit with coming early but you know what they say "Better safe than sorry". Seeing that I was that early I lay down close to the door and start drawing in my sketch book, then without me noticing someone sit next to me and kiss my cheek, it was Em.

Emira: So you came early?

Y/n: Yeah like really early.

Emira: Why is that?

Y/n: Well I have something to tell you.

I kneel down and grab Em hand and say.

Y/n: Emira Blight would you like to go to Grom with me?

Emira: *chuckles* Of course I will go with you.

I was really happy until I realize something I don't a have a suit for Grom, luckily for me I have an idea. The rest of the day went normal, well except for all the people asking others to go to Grom with them, the school ends and I go along with Em to the Blight Manor has usual. Once there I go to talk with Mr.Alador.

Alador: Oh Y/n, it's good to see you, how are you doing?

Y/n: Fine, I asked Em to go to Grom with me.

Alador: Oh so is already that time of the year, how quickly the time pass.

Y/n: Yeah, by the way I need to ask you for a favor.

Alador: What do you need?

Y/n: I don't have a suit for Grom and I was wondering if I could borrow one of your old suits.

Alador: Of course, just let me search a bit for it.

After a while Mr.Alador found it, a classic black suit with a White shirt.

Alador: You know this is funny.

Y/n: What is funny?

Alador: Well this is the suit which I use to go to Grom when I was younger.

Y/n: Then is an honor to use it.

After that I hang out a bit more with Em and leave to the Owl house, when I was in my way to the house something happen, I got a message from my mom.

Mom: Che how is camp going?

Which I just answer with.

Y/n: Fine, less boring that I thought.

I thought that would be all like every time she sends me a message but she replies another thing.

Mom: Can we have a call tomorrow?

That shock me a bit, I mean why now? But well I have no other choice that say yes to not get her worry.

I reach the House and go straight to bed since I already late. The next morning, I wake up and I go straight to take a walk to clear my mind. When I came back I met with the Blight siblings doing what it seems like some kind of training for Luz.

Y/n: Hey what are you doing?

Everyone look at me.

Luz: They are training me to face Grom.

The other human(the owl house x male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora